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Wrong behavior of the search function when filtering by TAGs if there are notes with the same name. #1686

chrixxxx opened this issue Apr 12, 2020 · 17 comments


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If you have the "use sub-folders" option enabled and you have 2 or more notes with the same name (in different sub-folders, obviously) the search function though a specific tag lists EVERY note with the same name even if it's not tagged with that tag (or not tagged at all).

I'll try to describe this issue with a simple example: I have 3 sub-folders (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) into my base note folder; each sub-folder contains a note with the same name (

If I assign the tag "TestTag" to only one of this three different notes - and only to one - the tag filter search function with "TestTag" selected lists as result all the three files (with the same name) as they've been tagged with the "TestTag" but two of them are not.

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pbek commented Apr 12, 2020

Thank you for reporting, I will try to reproduce your issue.

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pbek commented Apr 12, 2020

If you want to provide a complete note folder to reproduce what you did that would help a lot.

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chrixxxx commented Apr 12, 2020

If you want to provide a complete note folder to reproduce what you did that would help a lot.

Ok. I added explanations in every note, to help you understand the behavior.
With all notes selected try to filter them by tags.
As you will see tags applied to notes with unique names (alpha,beta,gamma) work as they should, while trying to filter using the "test tag" applied ONLY to the "" note (It's not an unique name, every sub-folder contains a note with this exact name) in the Alpha sub-folder lists all three "" in the results, even if two of them are not tagged at all.

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pbek commented Apr 12, 2020

Thank you.

And can you please post the output from the debug settings (see issue template).
And is there any useful log output if you enable the log panel (see Window / Panels)? Please make sure you also enable debug logging.

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I hope this is what you were asking.

QOwnNotes Debug Information

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pbek commented Apr 13, 2020

Yes, thank you, plus this: 😁

And is there any useful log output if you enable the log panel (see Window / Panels)? Please make sure you also enable debug logging.

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chrixxxx commented Apr 13, 2020

Yes, thank you, plus this:

And is there any useful log output if you enable the log panel (see Window / Panels)? Please make sure you also enable debug logging.

I didn't post the log before 'cause I didn't find anything useful in it.
When I select the "test tag" tag to filter out results.. the log shows the same message that it shows when I choose the other tags (alpha, beta, gamma).. but the results it gives are wrong because, as I tried to explain, only the "" in the alpha sub-folder has been tagged with the "test tag"; but when I select this tag in the tag list.. all three "" notes are listed, included the two that are not tagged at all (the ones inside beta and gamma subfolders).

Anyway.. here's my log:

[apr 13 07:12:12] [warning]: "Removed log file: " "K:/QOwnNotes [portable]/Data/QOwnNotes.log"
[apr 13 07:12:14] [debug]: Set proxy configuration to use NO proxy
[apr 13 07:12:16] [debug]: initShortcuts - 'menuBarIsVisible': true
[apr 13 07:12:16] [debug]: fileUrlInCurrentNoteFolderToRelativePath - 'path': "K:/[Documenti]/[QOwnNotes] testdir/Gamma/"
[apr 13 07:12:16] [debug]: fileUrlInCurrentNoteFolderToRelativePath - 'canonicalFilePath': "K:/[Documenti]/[QOwnNotes] testdir/Gamma/"
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: cloudConnection: CloudConnection: 1 "Predefinito" "" "" 1
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: buildNotesIndex - 'noteSubFolderId': 0
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: setupNoteFolderTables - 'database version': 14
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: cloudConnection: CloudConnection: 1 "Predefinito" "" "" 1
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: loadNoteDirectoryList
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadTagTree
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector()
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadNoteSubFolderTree
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadNoteSubFolderTree
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadTagTree
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0)
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: loadNoteDirectoryList
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadTagTree
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0)
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadNoteSubFolderTree
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadTagTree
[apr 13 07:12:17] [debug]: reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector()
[apr 13 07:12:27] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'tags': (Tag: 3 "Alpha Tag" 0 )
[apr 13 07:12:27] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'fileNameList': ("Alpha")
[apr 13 07:12:33] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'tags': (Tag: 3 "Alpha Tag" 0 )
[apr 13 07:12:33] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'fileNameList': ("Alpha")
[apr 13 07:12:34] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'tags': (Tag: 4 "Beta Tag" 0 )
[apr 13 07:12:34] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'fileNameList': ("Beta")
[apr 13 07:12:35] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'tags': (Tag: 2 "Gamma Tag" 0 )
[apr 13 07:12:35] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'fileNameList': ("Gamma")
[apr 13 07:12:36] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'tags': (Tag: 1 "Test Tag" 0 )
[apr 13 07:12:36] [debug]: filterNotesByTag - 'fileNameList': ("Test")
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu'
[apr 13 07:12:42] [debug]: storeSettings - 'noteHistoryItem': NoteHistoryItem: "Beta" "Beta" 128 0

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pbek commented Apr 13, 2020

Thank you. So we are talking about this:


After clicking 1) and 2) then you see 3). Right?

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pbek commented Apr 13, 2020

@Waqar144, this looks like a regression from #327.

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pbek commented Apr 13, 2020

I'm not sure if it's a regression or simply never worked. Tag filtering is currently only checking file names in MainWindow::filterNotesByTag.

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pbek commented Apr 13, 2020

Will be hard to implement (because of the way we need to store the tagging data), I'm taking a look at it.

@pbek pbek added Type: Feature adds functionality and removed Type: Bug - Regression labels Apr 13, 2020
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chrixxxx commented Apr 13, 2020

After clicking 1) and 2) then you see 3). Right?

Yes.. that's exactly the wrong behavior I noticed.

Instead it should only list one note as result, the "" in the Alpha sub-folder, the only one that has been tagged with the "test tag". 👍

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chrixxxx commented Apr 13, 2020

I'm not sure if it's a regression or simply never worked. Tag filtering is currently only checking file names in MainWindow::filterNotesByTag.

Maybe this is it's the first time someone is using tags so consistently and intensively.

I need them. I usually keep TONS of notes and tags are mandatory if you need a fast and efficient way to sort things out.

pbek added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 13, 2020
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pbek commented Apr 13, 2020

My brain has knots now. 😅


  • notes are now correctly filtered by tag even if notes with the same name are
    in different note sub-folders

@pbek pbek added this to the 20.4.6 milestone Apr 13, 2020
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pbek commented Apr 13, 2020

There now is a new release, could you please test it and report if it works for you?

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There now is a new release, could you please test it and report if it works for you?

You're amazing!!!

Tested right now.. and it seems that everything is working as it should!!!!!
No more "bad results" are listed when using tags, even if notes (in different folders) have the same name!

Thank you again!!! 👍

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pbek commented Apr 13, 2020

Great, thank you for testing! 😁

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