base box for islandora vagrant built on centos7
git clone
cd islandora_vagrant_base_box
vagrant up
Note: The supplied links apply only to this local vagrant system. They could vary in other installations.
- This base box uses the current available centOS 7 packages and updates.
- to use this base box, a custom copy of islandora_vagrant should be made where the location of tomcat and the apache and tomcat users are different.
In centOS 7
- tomcat is at /usr/share/tomcat, instead of /usr/share/tomcat7
- the tomcat user is "tomcat" instead of tomcat7
- the apache user is "apache", instead of www-data
You can connect to the machine via the browser at http://localhost:8000.
The default Drupal login details are:
- username: admin
- password: islandora
- username: root
- password: islandora
- username: islandora
- password: islandora
Fedora: (Fedora Admin | Fedora Risearch | Fedora Services)
- username: fedoraAdmin
- password: fedoraAdmin
- username: fedoraAdmin
- password: fedoraAdmin
ssh, scp, rsync:
- username: vagrant
- password: vagrant
- Examples
ssh -p 2222 vagrant@localhost
orvagrant ssh
scp -P 2222 somefile.txt vagrant@localhost:/destination/path
rsync --rsh='ssh -p2222' -av somedir vagrant@localhost:/tmp
- log into the VM
- vagrant ssh
- sudo yum update
- follow the instructions in virtualbox-guest-add-install.txt to add the guest-additions to your VM.
- run the script as sudo ./virtualbox-guest-add-install.txt
- finish what vagrant could not, relabeling the selinux entries, (since it cannot reboot itself)
- sudo shutdown -r now
- wait several minutes and log into the VM
- vagrant ssh
- sudo drush pm-update
- check for leftover install directories in /tmp
- remove the ones for gsearch, solr, fcrepo, fits, etc. this will make the final base box size much smaller
- zero out the virtual drive to save space
- sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M
- sudo rm -f /EMPTY
- exit out to centos7_base_box directory
- exit
- run this from inside the base box directory, it will save a copy of the modified box. (first, edit version number!!!!)
- vagrant package --output
- move the box file to a local web server that the devel team and a modified islandora vagrant instance can access when it starts up.
Pull requests are welcome, as are use cases and suggestions.