Work in progress
Allows rearranging the layout by dragging and resizing views.
- Unlimited nesting of views
- Resizable views
- Tabbed views (drag all views or single tab)
- Customizable look and feel
- When a view is moved to another parent, it loses its state (not sure whether this will be fixed, in the meantime the solution is to store the state outside of the view)
- The application must be wrapped in a DndProvider (from react-dnd)
- react
- react-dnd (and the backend of your choice)
- react-split-pane
- More tests and examples
Maybe later
- Maximize view?
- Floating mode?
npm install react-docky
npm install react-dnd
npm install react-dnd-html5-backend
rm -rf lib
npm install
npm run build
To test changes in an example app
# in one terminal
npm run watch
# in another terminal
cd example
npm install
npm run dev
To run tests
npm test
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