PCIT-JS SDK 支持在浏览器、Node.js、微信小程序端运行。
// https://ci.domain.com/demo.html
<script src="https://lib.baomitu.com/js-cookie/2.2.0/js.cookie.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@pcit/pcit-js@18.12.0-rc.2/dist/pcit.min.js"></script>
// get token from cookie
// TODO please get git_type from url
const git_type = 'github';
const TOKEN = Cookies.get(git_type + '_api_token');
const pcit = new PCIT(TOKEN, '');
const pcit_user = pcit.user;
(async () => {
const result = await pcit_user.current();
$ npm i --save @pcit/pcit-js
// you can save token to system env NODE_PCIT_TOKEN
const TOKEN = process.env.NODE_PCIT_TOKEN || 'xxx';
// get module
const pcit = require('@pcit/pcit-js');
// get repo instance
const pcit_repo = new pcit.Repo(TOKEN, 'https://ci.domain.com/api');
// call repo find method
(async () => {
let result = await pcit_repo.find('pcit-ce', 'pcit');
// you can save token to system env NODE_PCIT_TOKEN
const TOKEN = process.env.NODE_PCIT_TOKEN || 'xxx';
// get pcit class
const PCIT = require('@pcit/pcit-js');
// get pcit instance
const pcit = new PCIT(TOKEN, 'https://ci.domain.com/api');
// get repo instance
const pcit_repo = pcit.repo;
// call repo find method
(async () => {
let result = await pcit_repo.find('pcit-ce', 'pcit');
$ npm i --save @pcit/pcit-js
// you can save token to system env NODE_PCIT_TOKEN
const TOKEN: string = process.env.NODE_PCIT_TOKEN || 'xxx';
import PCIT from '@pcit/pcit-js';
const pcit = new PCIT(TOKEN, 'https://ci.khs1994.com/api');
const pcit_builds = pcit.builds;
(async () => {
let result = await pcit_builds.find(100);
$ npm run dev:build
$ npm run dev:miniprogram