Tethys is modern python package template. It demonstrates automation, configuration, environment orchestration, code validation, and Github actions. It comes with a command line interface, and it also contains an example readme, security policy, and code of conduct.
This package relies heavily on the great work of the Python Code Quality Authority. Praise them!
- Package configuration confined to
- Command line interface with click
- Testing with pytest and pytest-cov
- Documentation with sphinx supporting markdown with myst
- Publishing to PyPI and TestPyPI
- Environment orchestration with Tox
- Code validation with black, flake8, mypy, pycodestyle, pydocstyle
- Configuration validation with validate-pyproject
- Github actions for testing, documentation, and publishing to PyPI and TestPyPI
To make use of .pre-commit-config.yaml
run the followng commands:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
See the documentation for more details on this package template.