- Map a room or other enclosed area
- Explore the map looking for bunnies, each will have an associated Alvar marker.
- Set the bunny location as waypoints in the map.
- Return to the starting point and pose.
- At the starting point you will find an Alvar marker matching one of the bunnies.
- Proceed to that waypoint.
- Count the number and color of each Easter Egg in the bunny's basket. The basket and eggs will be situated similar to the image above.
- Return to the starting point.
- Provide some sort of visual display, pop-up, with the number of eggs and location (i.e. Alvar marker #).
- Final presentations on April 19.
- Interact via the controller. (Start/Stop)
- Time is a factor
- Avoid collisions
- Smooth motion
- Three trials
- Document approach on Git
- Trial run week before
- Team leader will give a presentation covering approach. Following the competition.
- Points given for style and creativity.
- Sequential behavior should be enabled using 'smach'.
- Ian Wakely
- Akhil Kurup
- Phillip Scramlin (Project Leader)
After cloning this repository, follow these steps to setup the development environment
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ source remote-jackal.sh
$ source remote-jackal.sh jackal2
Once the Jackal is powered up and online, ssh into it with the following commands.
$ ssh rsestudent@jackal2
$ cd bunny-hunter/catkin_ws
$ git pull
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ source remote-jackal.sh
$ roslaunch easter_egg_hunt jackal.launch
For launching the easter egg hunt run the following commands on the Jackal.
$ roslaunch easter_egg_hunt jackal.launch
Then run the following commands in the local machine.
$ roslaunch easter_egg_hunt exploration.launch
- This will launch SICK LMS200 wrapper, USB camera package, Alvar package, gmapping, and move_base.
- Alvar Discovery node is also launched. This manages the discovery and storing of Ar markers.
Press and hold X on joystick to begin hunt.
- Start_Pause: Jackal starts in Start_Pause state
- Button_Pressed: Jackal transitions to Origin_Detect upon button press.
- Enable_Discovery: Alvar marker discovery is enabled
- Waypoints_Enabled: Jackal transitions to Origin_Detect after Ar discovery enabled.
- Origin_Detect: Jackal saves origin waypoint
- Origin_Detected: Once origin waypoint saved Jackal switches to EXPLORATION state.
- Exploration: Jackal will explore area, building map and detecting Alvar Marker.
- Exploration_Complete: After map is determined to be complete or timer issued, Jackal transitions to START_GOAL.
- Start_Goal: Jackal sets waypoint goal to origin.
- GOAL_REACHED: Once Jackal determines waypoint goal successful it transitions to Disable_Discovery
- Map_Saver: Jackal saves map.
- MAP_COMPLETE: Jackal transitions after map is saved.
- Disable_Discovery: Ar Marker discovery disabled.
- Waypoints_Disabled: Transitions to Marker_Display_Wait after Ar Marker discovery disabled.
- Marker_Display_Wait: Jackal waits for button press to detect marker.
Press joystick x button to enable Ar detection.
- Button_Pressed: After button press, Jackal transitions to Select_Bunny state.
- Select_Bunny: Jackal waits for service message that Ar Marker was detected.
- Waypoint_Selected: Transition to Bunny_Nav State
- Bunny_Nav: Set move_base action goal to designated bunny.
- Button_Pressed: After waypoint successfully reached, Jackal transitions to Egg_Detect state.
- Egg_Detect: Jackal runs egg detection.
$ roslaunch easter_egg_hunt rviz.launch
The PlayStation3 Eye camera was calibrated using this tutorial.