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Releases: pdvrieze/gradle-codegen

Version updates

14 Feb 08:32
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Simple update of versions of Kotlin/gradle

Fix some bugs

03 Oct 07:53
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Fix bugs to allow working without the idea plugin being present in the project. Also make bintray configuration optional to allow others to build.


17 May 08:51
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  • Add the generated files to the standard clean task instead of using custom clean tasks.
  • Some optimizations for configuration.
  • Use Kotlin 1.1 to compile (but at source level 1.0)


17 May 08:43
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  • Fix compatibility with jdk 7. Fix warnings.


16 Apr 15:46
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  • Much better diagnostics and error handling
  • Instead of requiring the input to be realized immediately, it can be a
    Callable instead, that will be resolved if there is no doGenerate method
    that takes Callables. The result of the callable is used to resolve the
    actually invoked doGenerate method.
  • Allow for absolute paths, by making sure not to resolve them against
    the base directory when they are absolute.

The multi-file release

13 Apr 20:42
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Extend the system to do multi-file code generation, by configuring the generate task

Now also without kotlin

13 Apr 17:51
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Fix the plugin to work without kotlin present.


13 Apr 12:57
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Initial Pre-release

** Note this release has a bug when not using the kotlin plugin. Use 0.5.1 instead. **

Initial release of functionality. In this release, generators can only use a single output file.