Use fzf to open the most recently used files in vis.
In vis:
In visrc.lua:
plugin_vis_mru = require('plugins/fzf-mru')
-- Path to the fzf executable (default: "fzf")
plugin_vis_mru.fzfmru_path = "fzf"
-- Arguments passed to fzf (default: "")
plugin_vis_mru.fzfmru_args = "--delimiter / --nth -1" -- Search only by file names
-- File path to file history (default: "$HOME/.mru")
plugin_vis_mru.fzfmru_filepath = "/Users/Username/.vismru"
-- The number of most recently used files kept in history (default: 20)
plugin_vis_mru.fzfmru_history = 10
-- Mapping configuration example (<Space>b), function()
vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, " b", ":fzfmru<Enter>")
Fuzzy find the most recently used files from the current directory hierarchy:
plugin_vis_mru = require('plugins/fzf-mru')
plugin_vis_mru.fzfmru_path = 'grep "^'..os.getenv('PWD')..'" | fzf'