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Library for core cryptographic implementation of clients and some key derivation services.


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Peacemakr CoreCrypto Library


Peacemakr's Core Cryptography SDK. Defines crypto functionality for all Peacemakr SDKs

We take security and trust very seriously. If you believe you have found a security issue, please responsibly disclose by contacting us.

Download and Install Binaries

wget<os>-<arch>.tar.gz -O /usr/local
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib' >> ~/.bashrc

Build and Install Library from Source

Assuming you have OpenSSL 1.1+ and CMake 3.15+

git clone
cd peacemakr-core-crypto
mkdir -p build && cd build
# JAVA_HOME needs to be set prior to running cmake(). Use Java8 for compilation, JavaSDK is compiled using Java8 
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<JAVA_RELEASE_VERSION>/Contents/Home
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make check-peacemakr-core-crypto install
# To helps runtime dependencies find the library
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib' >> ~/.bashrc

Development Setup

OpenSSL 1.1+:

On Mac:

brew install openssl@1.1

On Debian distros (tried on Ubuntu 18.04 and debian10):

On debian distros the maximum version of OpenSSL that apt-get-able is 1.0.x, so you need to manually install. Go to and download the tar.gz corresponding to the 1.1-stable

Then run the following to install the package:

git clone -b OpenSSL_1_1_1-stable --single-branch
cd openssl
./config && make && make test && make install

Verify your openssl install with: openssl version

CMake 3.15+:

On Mac:

brew install cmake

On Debian distros (tried on Ubuntu 18.04 and debian10):

On debian distros the maximum version that apt getable is 3.10.x. Go to and download a minimum of version 3.15.x in a tar.gz format

Then run the following to install the package:

tar -zxf [cmake_archive].tar.gz && cd [cmake_archive]
./bootstrap && make && make install

Verify your cmake install with: cmake --version


From the repository base directory, ./bin/ will set up a docker image that serves the doxygen docs on localhost:3000

Release - Golang:

`./bin/ /path/to/peacemakr-go-sdk release1

For a debug build

./bin/ /path/to/peacemakr-go-sdk

Release - Java

./bin/ /path/to/java/sdk release

For a debug build

./bin/ /path/to/java/sdk

Prepare release of core-crypto-crypto jar to maven: cd ../peacemakr-core-crypto/src/ffi/java

  • View a list of tasks: ./gradlew tasks

  • Build peacemakr-core-crypto jar: ./gradlew build

  • Build and release core-crypto-crypto jar to local maven (~/.m2/repository/io/peacemakr/peacemakr-core-crypto): ./gradlew publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal -Prelease

  • Build and push core-crypto-crypto jar to OSSRH: ./gradlew publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenRepository -Prelease

Release - Python

Docker: cd /path/to/peacemakr-core-crypto/bin && ./ release

Local (install into virtualenv): cd /path/to/peacemakr-core-crypto/bin && ./ local /path/to/virtualenv/lib/site-packages release

Local (install into machine python): cd /path/to/peacemakr-core-crypto/bin && ./ local none release

macOS 10.15

Due to the new security requirements for macOS Catalina, you may run into an issue where dlopen fails because macOS could not identify the developer.

There are several solutions (temporary):

Manually sign

xattr -cr /path/to/peacemakr_core_crypto.dylib
codesign --force --deep --sign - /path/to/peacemakr_core_crypto.dylib

Developer tools override

Install Xcode and in System Preferences navigate to Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Developer Tools and allow Terminal to run software locally. If you do not have Xcode installed, you will not see the Developer Tools entry in the list on the left hand side.

Under development

Build - iOS

cd /path/to/peacemakr-core-crypto/bin && ./ /where/to/put/build/artifacts [is_first_build]

Build - Android

Make sure you have the Android NDK installed

cd /path/to/peacemakr-core-crypto/bin && ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/path/to/android/ndk-bundle ./ /where/to/put/build/artifacts [is_first_build]