This is the module for shogi written in Pure Python. It's based on python-chess commit 6203406259504cddf6f271e6a7b1e04ba0c96165.
This is the scholars mate in python-shogi:
>>> import shogi
>>> board = shogi.Board()
>>> board.push(shogi.Move.from_usi('7g7f'))
>>> board.push_usi('3c3d')
>>> board.push_usi('8h2b+')
>>> board.push_usi('4a5b')
>>> board.push_usi('B*4b')
>>> board.push_usi('5a4a')
>>> board.push_usi('2b3a')
>>> board.is_checkmate()
Supports Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+.
Supports standard shogi (hon shogi)
Legal move generator and move validation.
>>> shogi.Move.from_usi("5i5a") in board.legal_moves False
Make and unmake moves.
>>> last_move = board.pop() # Unmake last move >>> last_move Move.from_usi('2b3a') >>> board.push(last_move) # Restore
Show a simple ASCII board.
>>> print(board) l n s g . k +B n l . r . . g B . . . p p p p p p . p p . . . . . . p . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . . . . . . P P . P P P P P P . . . . . . . R . L N S G K G S N L <BLANKLINE> S*1
Show a KIF style board.
>>> print(board.kif_str()) 後手の持駒: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +---------------------------+ |v香v桂v銀v金 ・v玉 馬v桂v香|一 | ・v飛 ・ ・v金 角 ・ ・ ・|二 |v歩v歩v歩v歩v歩v歩 ・v歩v歩|三 | ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・v歩 ・ ・|四 | ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|五 | ・ ・ 歩 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・|六 | 歩 歩 ・ 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩 歩|七 | ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 飛 ・|八 | 香 桂 銀 金 玉 金 銀 桂 香|九 +---------------------------+ 先手の持駒: 銀
Detects checkmates, stalemates.
>>> board.is_stalemate() False >>> board.is_game_over() True
Detects repetitions. Has a half move clock.
>>> board.is_fourfold_repetition() False >>> board.move_number 8
Detects checks and attacks.
>>> board.is_check() True >>> board.is_attacked_by(shogi.BLACK, shogi.A4) True >>> attackers = board.attackers(shogi.BLACK, shogi.H5) >>> attackers SquareSet(0b111000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) >>> shogi.H2 in attackers True >>> print(attackers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 1 1 . . .
Parses and creates USI representation of moves.
>>> board = shogi.Board() >>> shogi.Move(shogi.E2, shogi.E4).usi() '2e4e'
Parses and creates SFENs
>>> board.sfen() 'lnsgkgsnl/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL b - 1' >>> board.piece_at(shogi.I5) Piece.from_symbol('K')
Read KIFs.
>>> import shogi.KIF >>> kif = shogi.KIF.Parser.parse_file('data/games/habu-fujii-2006.kif')[0] >>> kif['names'][shogi.BLACK] '羽生善治' >>> kif['names'][shogi.WHITE] '藤井猛' >>> kif['moves'] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['7g7f', '3c3d', ..., '9a9b', '7a7b+'] >>> kif['win'] 'b'
Communicate with a CSA protocol.
Please see random_csa_tcp_match.
Parse professional shogi players' name
>>> import shogi.Person
>>> shogi.Person.Name.is_professional('羽生 善治 名人・棋聖・王位・王座') True
python-shogi is not intended to be used by serious shogi engines where performance is critical. The goal is rather to create a simple and relatively highlevel library.
You can install the gmpy2 or gmpy ( modules in order to get a slight performance boost on basic operations like bit scans and population counts.
python-shogi will only ever import very basic general (non-shogi-related) operations from native libraries. All logic is pure Python. There will always be pure Python fallbacks.
With pip:
sudo pip install python-shogi
From current source code:
python sdist sudo python install
> nosetests or > python test # requires python install
If you want to print lines from the standard output, execute nosetests like following.
> nosetests -s
If you want to test among different Python versions, execute tox.
> pip install tox > tox
rm -rf dist python sdist twine upload dist/*
- Support USI protocol.
- Support board.generate_attacks() and use it in board.is_attacked_by() and board.attacker_mask().
- Remove rotated bitboards and support Shatranj-style direct lookup like recent python-chess.
- Support %MATTA etc. in CSA TCP Protocol.
- Support board.is_pinned() and