Interpreter for a gradually typed functional language
Install stack (Haskell Tool Stack)
$ wget -qO- | sh
Clone repository
$ git clone
Setup stack
$ cd interpreter/
$ stack setup
$ stack ghci
> :l Gradual.Interpreter
*Gradual.Interpreter> :t runCode
runCode :: String -> IO ()
*Gradual.Interpreter> runCode <program>
*Gradual.Interpreter> runCode "(\\x : Dyn . 1 + x) true"
Expression: (\x : Dyn . 1 + x) True
Expression type: Int
Cast insertion: ((\x : Dyn . (1 : Int => Int) + (x : Dyn => Int)) : (Dyn -> Int) => (Dyn -> Int)) (True : Bool => Dyn)
Evaluation result: Blame: cannot cast from BoolType to IntType
*Gradual.Interpreter> :t runFile
runFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
*Gradual.Interpreter> runFile <filename>
The syntax that the interpreter accepts is described below.
Expressions e ::= var variable
| \var . e abstraction
| e e application
| \var : T . e annotated abstraction
| e :: T ascription
| integer integer
| boolean boolean
| let var = e in e let binding
| fix e fixed point
| letrec var = e in e recursive let-binding
| if e then e else e conditional statement
| e arithop e arithmetic operator
| e relatop e relational operator
| unit unit
| (tuples) tuple
| e.integer as T tuple projection
| {records} record
| e.var as T record projection
| case e of alternatives case
| <label = e> as T tag
| nil [T] nil
| [] as T empty list
| cons [T] e e cons
| e : e as T cons operator
| [list] as T list
| isnil [T] e isnil
| head [T] e head
| tail [] e tail
| fold [T] e fold
| unfold [T] e unfold
integer ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ...
boolean ::= true | false
arithop ::= + | - | * | /
relatop ::= == | /= | < | > | <= | >=
tuples ::= e, e | e, tuples
records ::= var = e | var = e, records
alternatives ::= | label var -> e
| | label var -> e alternatives
list ::= e | e, list
represents a variable, which can be any string starting with a lower case alphabetic character followed by alphanumeric characters, an underscore or quotation mark.
represents a positive integer (i.e. 0, 1, 2, ...).
represents a boolean value, either true or false.
represents a string starting with an upper case alphabetic character followed by alphanumeric characters, an underscore or quotation mark.
Types T ::= var type variable
| T -> T arrow type
| Int integer type
| Bool boolean type
| Dyn dynamic type
| Unit unit type
| rec var . T recursive type
| (tupleType) tuple type
| {recordType} record type
| <variantType> variant type
| [T] list type
tupleType ::= T, T | T, tupleType
recordType ::= var : T | var : T, recordType
variantType ::= label : T | label : T, variantType