This is a simple client-side implementation of the owserver protocol from the owfs project. It allows you to query any owserver over the network (or locally).
To test actually using the connection run owserver with fake sensors:
owserver --fake 1F,10
And now list the contents of the root dir:
require 'ownet' conn = conn.dir('/') #=> ["/1F.67C6697351FF", "/10.4AEC29CDBAAB", "/bus.0", "/uncached" ...
To read a value do:'/10.4AEC29CDBAAB/temperature') #=> 36.4784 (Returns a random value with owserver --fake)
To write a value do:
conn.write('/1F.67C6697351FF/clearevent', 1) #=> 0
Code written by Pedro Côrte-Real <> in part based on the ownet python client by Peter Kropf.