I am Pedro Galvan (pedrogk).
- I lead content and technology development at Software Guru. We are a media company & developer relations agency focused on spanish speaking software professionals.
- Where: I am based in Austin, TX but travel frequently to Mexico (mostly Mexico city).
- What I code: As an electronics engineer gone enterprise software developer gone tech writer & developer advocate, I've built software for a great variety of platforms and languages, from Assembler and C to Java EE, PHP, JS and Python. Sadly, nowadays most of the stuff I build are pretty simple web apps (Python+Django) and static sites (Hugo with sprinkles of JS).
- Pronouns: He/him/his.
- Preferences: Juice (real) over beer, mountains over beach, community over code, chocolate over everything.
- Rant: In Mexico, as in most countries with Spanish or French influence/colonization, we consider America a single continent. This, in comparison to England+nordic countries (and their colonies) where they consider North America and South America separate continents. Oh well.