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- Coursera "Probabilistic Graphical Models" (Koller)
- Univ. of Pittsburgh CCD Short Summer Course (2016)
- Videos (on YouTube)
- Additional material on hackpad
- Tetrad 5.3.0 JNLP version [download]
- Tetrad 5.3.0 jar file [download]
- datasets [download]
- Univ. of Pittsburgh CCD Short Summer Course (2015)
- Tetrad [download]
- CMU Causal and Statistical Reasoning
- NIPS 2013 Workshop on Causality
- Stanford CS228 Lecture Notes
- NYU Sontag PGM course
- Elwert Causal Inference with DAGs
- UC Biostat, "Introduction to Causal Inference"
- Judea Pearl home
- DAG (wikipedia)
- UCLA Department of Statistics publications (eScholarship)
- Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (Decision Science Labs @UPitt)
- Adam Kelleher blog series
- StitchFix: Making Causal Impact Analysis Easy
- Thomas Huijskens: The fundamental problem of causal analysis
- Yanir Seroussi: Why you should stop worrying about deep learning and deepen your understanding of causality instead
- Probabilistic Graphical Models: Bayesian Networks Example With R, Python, SAMIAM
- Pearl: "Causality" / @UCLA / @Amazon
- Koller & Friedman: "Probabilistic Graphical Models" / @MIT Press / @Amazon
- Shalizi: "Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View" / @CMU
- van der Laan & Rose: "Targeted Learning: Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Data" / website / @Amazon / @Springer
- Probabilistic Graphical Models @Stanford
- Vanderbilt Discovery Systems Laboratory
- Peter Spirtes (@CMU Philosophy)
- University of Pittsburgh Center for Causal Discovery (CCD)
- James Robins (@Harvard SPH)
- Tyler Vanderweele (@Harvard SPH)
- Jin Tian (@IAState CS) (
s/w ) - Sander Greenland (@UCLA)
- Ilya Shpitser (@JHU CS)
- Project X Research - Direct Graphical Models
- ETHZ causality resources
- Cosma Shalizi (@CMU Stats)
R package: bnlearn (@CRAN)- Adam Kelleher
python package: pypi and GitHub - Google's
R package / on GitHub - TETRAD / on GitHub
- ETHZ causality resources
- Other python packages:
- UnBBayes (open source s/w for modeling, learning and reasoning upon probabilistic networks
- SamIam (@UCLA)
- BDGAL, Bayesian DAG Learning
: A Graphical Tool for Analyzing Causal Diagrams- online browser based version
- LOCAL version
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