Dashboard visualized by d3
========================== Description
This node.js based web app can be used as a template where logged in users can assess historical and monitor live data, which are visualized by d3.js, from API you speficied.
========================== Demo
========================== Installation
To obtain a copy of the source code:
$ git clone
$ cd node-d3-dashboard
To install dependencies needed for backend:
$ npm install
To install dependecies needed for frontend:
$ bower install
========================== Start Application
start app in development mode and on port 3000 by default:
$ nodemon
start app in mode and on port as specified:
$ PORT=4000 NODE_ENV=production npm start
Here 'nodemon' does everything 'npm start' does, but 'nodemon' will enable the ability for developer to see change on web page immediately without manually restarting server.