This package includes my favorite libraries and classes of math and geometry operations for robots.
Includes stripped-down versions of:
- pyquaternion: An amazing full-featured Python module for representing and using quaternions.
- modern_robotics: The Python module from the code in "Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control Code Library" which contains the code library accompanying Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control (Kevin Lynch and Frank Park, Cambridge University Press 2017).
- mathlib: The stand-alone C++ math library developed at the LASA lab of EPFL.
This set of libraries are used to write controllers for the following robots/simulations:
- RobbieYuri:
- Melfa Cobot:
- ROS Indigo in Ubuntu 14.04.
- ROS Kinetic in Ubuntu 16.04
- Other distros not tested.
- Dependencies: Make sure to install the following python dependencies
pip install numpy
Then do the following steps:
- In your catkin src directory clone the repository
$ git clone
- Complie
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ catkin_make
You might need to source the ./bashrc
file and compile again if the first compliation could not find some of the in-house dependencies. If roscd
doesn't find the compiled packages run rospack profile
Maintainer: Nadia Figueroa (nadiafig @ mit dot edu)
- This code is released under MIT license.