an OpenTibia 7.72 custom server
- 4.05 is the current version
- In-depth credit list HERE
- A guide on how to setup the server HERE
- Updated changelog HERE
- Lastest minimap HERE
- Uniform Server can be downloaded HERE
- Notedpad ++ can be downloaded HERE
- Remere's Map Editor can be downloaded HERE, to make it functional with Guilcera please follow the steps from HERE
- otitemeditor-0.3.0 can be downloaded HERE.
- OtLand ip changer HERE, you can found it HERE
- XAMMP can be downloaded HERE
- main folder contains current version of guilcera map + OTHire server
- docs contains important documentation about the server, as: mysql_schema.sql, manual, bug list, changelog, server setup guide and such
- www contains current AAC, ZnoteAAC 1.5
- sources contains sources for OTHire 0.0.3
- peonso is the main developer
- OTHire, by TwistedScorpio/Ezzz Original GitHub
- ZnotaAAC 1.5, by Znote Original GitHub
- In-depth credit list HERE