Semantic Role Labeling is a fundamental NLPtask, which has the goal of finding semantic roles for each predicate in a sentence. The goal of the SRL is to extract predicate-argument structure of a sentence, identifying ”who did what to whom”, ”when”, ”where” etc.For example, consider this sentence:The cat eats a fish. Eats is the verb,The cat is the subject and a fish is the object complement. We are not interested in the meaning of ”cat” or ”fish”, but we want to identify and classify them, i.e, associate each argument with its corresponding role. To solve this task, LSTM-based models in different configurations were used in this paper, including pre-trained word embeddings, contextualized word embedding from BERT and Graph Convolutional Network. Furthermore, the subtask of disambiguation of predicates is also taken into consideration, because every often the datasets that are provided have information on the predicates present in the sentences, but not the clarification of the meaning of them.
conda create --name srl python=3.7
conda activate srl
pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd dataset
$ python
python type-bert TYPE-BERT --batch-size BATCH-SIZE --embedding-dim-word EMBEDDING-DIM-WORD --embedding-dim-pretrained -- EMBEDDING-DIM-PRETRAINED --embedding-dim-pos EMBEDDING-DIM-POS --embedding-dim-pred EMBEDDING-DIM-PRED embedding-dim-dep-rel EMBEDDING-DIM-DEP-REL --embedding-dim-lemma EMBEDDING-DIM-LEMMA --hidden-dim HIDDEN-DIM --epochs EPOCHS --batch-size BATCH-SIZE --lr LEARNING-RATE --dropout DROPOUT --bidirectional BIDIRECTIONAL --num-layers NUM-LAYERS --only-test ONLY-TEST --pred-disamb PRED-DISAMB --pred-dim PRED-DIM
type of BERT: base or large, default is baseEMBEDDING-DIM-WORD
is the dimension of the word embedding, default is 768EMBEDDING-DIM-PRETRAINED
is the dimension of the word pretrained embedding, default is 50EMBEDDING-DIM-POS
is the dimension of pos embedding, default is 32EMBEDDING-DIM-PRED
is the dimension of predicate embedding, default is 50EMBEDDING-DIM-DEP-REL
is the dimension of dependency relations embedding, default is 50EMBEDDING-DIM-LEMMA
is the dimension of lemma embedding, default is 50HIDDEN-DIM
is the dimension of the hidden layer, default is 256EPOCHS
is the number of epochs, default is 15BATCH-SIZE
is the batch size, default is 64LEARNING-RATE
is the learning rate, default is 0.001DROPOUT
is the dropout rate, default is 0.5BIDIRECTIONAL
is the bidirectional flag, default is TrueNUM-LAYERS
is the number of layers, default is 2ONLY-TEST
is the only test flag, default is FalsePRED-DISAMB
is the flag for addition of predicate dimbiguation, default is FalsePRED-DIM
is the dimension of the predicates, default is 457
for example, for training:
for testing
python --only-test True