Shuffle cells by column in CSV files.
usage: csvshuf [-h] [-s] [-c COLUMNS | -C NO_COLUMNS] [-d DELIMITER | -t]
positional arguments:
FILE Input CSV file. If omitted, read standard input.
optional arguments:
-s, --sattolo Use Sattolo shuffle algorithm.
-c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS
Comma-separated list of columns to include.
-C NO_COLUMNS, --no-columns NO_COLUMNS
Comma-separated list of columns to exclude.
Input column delimiter.
-t, --tabbed Delimit input with tabs.
Quote character.
Output column delimiter.
Shuffle the first column of foobar.csv
csvshuf -c1 foobar.csv
Shuffle the third column of foobar.csv using Sattolo's algorithm
csvshuf -c3 -s foobar.csv
Shuffle all columns of foobar.csv
csvshuf foobar.csv
Shuffle all the columns but the first of foobar.csv
csvshuf -C1 foobar.csv
Shuffle the first and third columns of the first ten lines of foobar.csv
head -10 foobar.csv | csvshuf -c 1,3
Shuffle the first and third columns of the pipe-delimited foobar.csv
csvshuf -c1,3 -d "|" foobar.csv
Shuffle the first and third columns of the tab-delimited foobar.csv
csvshuf -c 1,3 -t foobar.csv
Shuffle the first three columns of the pipe-delimited foobar.csv; output will be comma-delimited
csvshuf -c 1,2,3 -d "|" -o , foobar.csv
Shuffle the first three columns of the comma-delimited foobar.csv; output will be pipe-delimited
csvshuf -c 1,2,3 -o "|" foobar.csv
Shuffle the first two columns of the comma-delimited, pipe-quoted foobar.csv
csvshuf -c 1,2 -d "," -q "|" foobar.csv
pip install csvshuf
pip3 install csvshuf
Pere Orga, 2016.
Originally forked from csvcut (