100% serverless solution for AWS account to allow initiate NPM repository and use it as a repo.
Great alternative for opensource and commercial apps, as it is very cheap to operate. It does NOT use any EC2 or other resorces.
Only AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambdas, AWS S3
Perfsys is the DevOps & AWS Cloud Solutions company. We help tech companies scale engineering capacity and deliver perfect systems.
Install NodeJS NodeJS is required to build
Install Serverless framework. Serverless Framework is a CLI tool that allows users to build & deploy auto-scaling, pay-per-execution, event-driven functions
Install AWS CLI AWS CLI is an open source tool built on top of the AWS SDK for Python (Boto) that provides commands for interacting with AWS services. With minimal configuration, you can start using all of the functionality provided by the AWS Management Console from your favorite terminal program
AWS Configure https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html Configure settings that the AWS Command Line Interface uses when interacting with AWS, such as your security credentials and the default region
- Install NodeJS dependencies:
npm install
- Make deploy.sh executable
chmod +x ./deploy.sh
AWS_PROFILE Update AWS_PROFILE according to AWS Configure step above
NPM_REGISTRY_NAME This will be the name of the NPR registry
NPM_REGISTRY_REGION Optionally it is possible to NPM_REGISTRY_REGION, defaut is
region: us-east-1
Deploy to AWS:
- Copy
Stacl Outputs
Build tgz with npm
npm pack
Find .tgz file in the same folder
Copy .tgz to S3 bucket with artifacts
Make sure Tree structure corresponds to @scope/module/versions/version
package-info.json file is optional
- Get package-info about module, including all the versions
- Form TGZ NPM module link to download TGZ
- Allow to download TRZ dist NPM module file from AWS S3 via AWS API Gateway
Serverless is licensed under the MIT License.
All files located in the node_modules and external directories are externally maintained libraries used by this software which have their own licenses; we recommend you read them, as their terms may differ from the terms in the MIT License.