The WellBe application is a social media-type app built on Ktor framework that allows users to exchange various content connected with mental health, motivation, psychology, and improving oneself. Users can share posts with texts, images, videos, and links, as well as discuss the content in the comment section
Part 1 - How to Build an Android Wellness App with the Ktor Framework. Part I: Backend
Part 2 - How to Build an Android Wellness App with the Ktor Framework. Part II: Android
You can see out wellbe_android, and notice how Ktor works on client side, with same plugins principes.
- Kotlin and Coroutines
- Lightweight and Flexible
- Easy to set up
- Easy to deploy and maintain
- Assemble project only with plugins which you need
- Can fully replace Spring Boot
- Growing community, sufficient documentation
- Registration/Login
- Update user/avatar
- Create/Edit/Remove post
- Feed/Popular/Favourite/My posts
- Like/Unlike post
- Chats list/Join room/Leave Room
- Send message (Notify chat members by WebSockets)
- Search Filter and Pagination for posts requests
- Deploy with Docker or Amazon Elastic Beanstalk with Fat JAR
- on demand change application port
ktor { deployment { port = 8082 port = ${?PORT} }
- setup db with your own URl, Username, Password
db { jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://***********" jdbcDriver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver" dbUser = "***********" dbPassword = "***********" }
- provide secret key for jwtToken
jwt { secret = "***********"
- replace AWS credentials with you own
aws{ accessKey = "***********" secretKey = "***********" }
The easiest way to build is to install IntelliJ IDEA with Gradle. Once installed, then you can import the project into IntelliJ IDEA:
Import project with Git and Run from WellBeApplication main enty point
Then, Gradle will do everything for you.