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410 lines (272 loc) · 18 KB

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410 lines (272 loc) · 18 KB



[v2.15.0] - 2024-05-30


  • 831 Add amino tags for protobuf msgs for compiling in js using telescope
  • 841 add type ForceUpdateValidatorDelegations to MsgUpdateHostChain
  • 842 liquidstake: move rebalancing from begin block to day epoch

[v2.13.0] - 2024-05-01

Bug Fixes

  • 815 Not escape merkle paths for proof verification.
  • 822 liquidstake: redelegation to follow msg router instead of keeper.

[v2.12.0] - 2024-04-05


  • 800 Remove proxy account usage.
  • 790 Make liquidstake module LSM Cap compliant.

Bug Fixes

  • 792 Use GetHostChainFromHostDenom in ICA Transfer unsuccessfulAck instead of GetHostChainFromDelegatorAddress as Rewards account too uses ICA Transfer to autocompound
  • 795 Reject zero weight validator LSM shares for liquidstakeibc

[v2.11.0] - 2024-03-12


  • 783 Move rewards autocompounding to hourly epoch.
  • 784 Allow admin address to update params.


  • 773 Improve logging.

Bug Fixes

  • 774 Fix liquidstake params test.

[v2.10.0] - 2024-02-21


  • 760 Calculate C Value after autocompounding / slashing.
  • 758 Dynamic C Value limit updates.
  • 757 Change ibc transfer to use timeoutTimestamp instead of timeoutHeight
  • 756 Add query for singular host-chain in liquidstakeibc
  • 755 Add channel-id, port to ratesync host-chains and liquidstake instantiate.

Bug Fixes

  • 766 stkxprt audit fixes
  • 761 Use counterparty channels instead of self chain for ratesync-instantiate

[v2.9.1] - 2024-01-26

Bug Fixes

  • 753 Set default bounds for c value

[v2.9.0] - 2024-01-26


  • 737 Unhandled errors.
  • 736 Check for host denom duplicates.
  • 733 Add more validation for host-chain.
  • 732 Move c value bounds to per-chain params.
  • 729 Add rewards account query (hence autocompound) OnChanOpenAck.
  • 727 Send LSM redeem messages in chunks.
  • 721 Add Query host chain user unbondings.

Bug Fixes

  • 752 Use correct existing delegation amount.
  • 751 Set LSM bond factor as -1 by default.
  • 750 Shares to tokens.
  • 734 Host chain duplication check.
  • 731 Set limit to LSM deposit filtering.
  • 730 Fix deposit validate.
  • 728 Fix prevent users from liquid-staking funds by removing the Deposit entry.
  • 726 Fix minimal unbondings.
  • 725 Fix Incorrect bookkeeping of validator’s delegated amount upon redelegation
  • 720 Fix unbondings loop.
  • 719 Fix afterEpoch hooks to take LiquidStake feature instead of LiquidStakeIBC

[v2.8.2] - 2024-01-09

Bug Fixes

  • 715 Fix stuck unbondings.

[v2.8.1] - 2023-12-21

Bug Fixes

  • 707 Fix liquidstakeibc redeem edge case for protecting cValue

[v2.8.0] - 2023-12-20


  • 703 Add ratesync module.

[v2.7.x] - 2023-12-15


  • 687 Add queries for redelegations and redelegation txs.
  • 696 Add capability to swap rewards.
  • 697 Add hooks for liquidstakeibc c_value updates.

Bug Fixes

  • 685 Fix rebalancing to happen outside of unbonding epochs

[v2.6.0] - 2023-11-26


  • #680 Add rebalancing

[v2.5.0] - 2023-10-20


  • #667 Monitoring Events.


  • #668 Update ICA timeout.

Bug Fixes

  • #665 LSM deposit timeout fix.

[v2.4.0] - 2023-09-13

Bug Fixes

  • #652 Register MsgLiquidStakeLSM into amino codec.

[v2.3.3] - 2023-09-07

Bug Fixes

  • #643 Re-add LSCosmos types to enable parsing of older transactions and gov data.

[v2.3.2] - 2023-09-07

Bug Fixes

  • #639 LSM cap room bug.

[v2.3.1] - 2023-09-06

Bug Fixes

  • #637 LSM bond factor validation fix.

[v2.3.0] - 2023-09-06


  • #594 LSM integration.
  • #631 Add telemetry to measure time taken in begin/end block.

Bug Fixes

  • #632 LSM cap fix.
  • #621 ICA recreation timeout fix.


  • #627 Remove lscosmos, lspersistence in favour of liquidstakeibc.

[v2.2.2] - 2023-08-07


  • #604 Create an empty deposit when a host chain is registered.

[v2.2.1] - 2023-07-27


  • #603 Add extra code for lscosmos migration to account for unrelayed packets.

[v2.2.0] - 2023-07-24


  • #560 liquidstakeibc: allow localhost client type.

  • #524 [LiquidStakeIbc] Query Updates

  • #474 Liquidstakeibc Unstake

  • #475 LiquidstakeIbc Claim

  • #479 Liquidstakeibc - Redeem

  • #481 Liquidstakeibc - Automatically claim failed unbondings

  • #482 LiquidstakeIbc - Autocompounding

  • #485 Liquidstakeibc - host chain activation

  • #486 Liquidstakeibc - Slashing

  • #488 Liquidstakeibc - update unbonding queries

  • #487 Liquidstakeibc - Withdraw delegator rewards

  • #513 [LiquidStakeIbc] ICQ Proofs

  • #511 use params store in lspersistence instead of params module

  • #478 stkxprt: add fees for staking

  • #483 stkxprt: add fees for unstake.

  • #480 stkxprt: add fees for restake.

  • #514 add proto checks to github actions


Bug Fixes

  • #556 LiquidStakeIbc notional Audit
  • #540 [LiquidStakeIbc] Fix Auto Slashing Mechanism
  • #542 [LiquidstakeIbc] Limit Auto Compounding
  • #533 [Liquidstakeibc] remove deposits when chain is disabled
  • #535 [Liquidstakeibc] add init validator delegation to deal with updates to validator set.
  • #499 [LiquidStakeIbc] Fixes
  • #512 fix icq unmarshal for icq unmarshal.


  • #516,#517,#515 lscosmos: deprecate, remove functional code

[v2.1.0-rc0] - 2023-04-20

Never released.


  • #411 add admin functionality to disable module in case of failure.
  • #410 reset IBC state instead of retrying IBC.
  • #422 sdkv46
  • #440 implement slashing handling
  • #446 add ibcfee
  • #447 remove register_host_chain_proposal.json.
  • #451 Update protogen using buf

Bug Fixes

  • #405 audit: inconsistent state fixes
  • #413 fix resetICA like #405


  • #409 remove governance proposal

[v2.0.1, v2.0.2] - 2023-06-29

Bug Fixes

  • #545 fix failed unbondings on mainnet
  • #549 add test for GetUnstakingEpochForPacket
  • #550 update height
  • #551 add undelegations json as embedded file

[v2.0.0] - 2023-02-18


  • #397 use default auth ante.go
  • #399 add equal condition for undelegation.CompletionTime while checking mature undelegations
  • #401 bind baseDenom and mintDenom.
  • #403 disallow jumpstarting module from getting a second chance once enabled


  • #392 remove fork logic

[v1.3.0] -2022-12-22


  • #373 Added introduction spec.
  • #374 Updating concepts spec.
  • #375 Updating events spec.
  • #376 Updating keeper spec.
  • #377 Updated message spec.
  • #378 Restructuring spec folder.
  • #383 Adding individual weights validity check for validators.
  • #381 Oak report fixes.
  • #385 cap restake to 25%.
  • #390 Negative coin error fix.
  • #386 reverts ibc from delegation account to deposit account.


  • #384 remove msgjuice.

[v1.2.1] -2022-12-5


  • #383 allow rest requests via grpc.

[v1.2.0] -2022-11-9


  • #369 add recreate-ica tx.


  • #372 increase ICA timeout to 15mins, so it doesn't timeout during upgrades

[v1.1.0] -2022-10-24


  • #358 add bounds for max fee limits, add allowlisted validators deduplication.
  • #359 added comments for all functions for godoc.

Bug Fixes

  • #364 fix deterministic ordering of array.

[v1.0.0] -2022-10-22


  • liquid staking module for cosmoshub-4