Clustered Quartz example with Spring Boot.
This demo was motivated by the fact that I couldn't find working example or instructions on how to set-up clustered Quartz system. Quartz example projects (number 13) shows how you can run clustered Quartz, but it doesn't help you for setting it up in real environment. You cannot expect (well, you can, but it's not smart) to have somebody manually cleaning your jobs from database in every system update.
The idea in this demo is that Quartz jobs get recreated once per each installed version of the software. The node that starts first (master) with the latest software version, will delete all existing job data and create the new jobs according to the latest specification. The nodes that start later, just use the job configuration created by the first node.
This demo is based on Postgres database, but you can use most likely any other database as well. You just have to copy the right Quartz table creation SQL from Quartz project. See Quartz distribution file under directory docs/dbTables.
Create database
psql -c "create database quartz"
Create tables
psql -d quartz -f src/main/resources/sql/tables_postgres.sql
mvn install
Run node 1
java -Dserver.port=2001 -jar target/quartz-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Run node 2
java -Dserver.port=2002 -jar target/quartz-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar