This project is intended to give Akka.NET users the tools they need to begin building Docker base images on top of Akka.NET.
This library works with any runtime supported by Akka.NET.
depends on having some standardized environment variables made available inside each of your Docker containers:
- this value will replace
at runtime. If this value is not provided, we will useDns.GetHostname()
- the port number that will be used by Akka.Remote for inbound connections.CLUSTER_SEEDS
- a comma-delimited list of seed node addresses used by Akka.Cluster. Here's an example.
In addition to the standardized environment variables listed above, the Akka.Bootstrap.Docker
NuGet package can also parse Akka.NET configuration from environment variables. In order for the package to map environment variables to a HOCON entry, the name of the environment variable must adhere to the following conventions:
- Full stops (
) in the HOCON path are replaced with two underscores (__
) - Hyphens (
) in the HOCON path are replaced with one underscore (_
) - For an array based HOCON entry, the environment variable should be suffixed by two underscores and the index of the entry within the array (
, etc. ).
As an example, the following list of environment variables:
will produce a HOCON structure of:
akka {
coordinated_shutdown.exit_clr = "on"
actor.provider = "cluster"
remote.dot_netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
public_hostname = "example.local"
port = "2559"
cluster.roles = [ "demo", "test", "backup" ]
The Akka.Bootstrap.Docker
NuGet package itself is pretty simple - all it does is expose the DockerBootstrap
class which gives you the ability to automatically load all of the environment variables we pass in via Docker into your Akka.Remote and Akka.Cluster configuration:
var config = HoconLoader.FromFile("myHocon.hocon");
var myActorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("mySys", config.BootstrapFromDocker());
The config.BootstrapFromDocker()
line will do the heavy lifting.
Once this call is finished, all you have to do is launch your ActorSystem
via ActorSystem.Create
and everything will run automatically from that point onward.
N.B. If you want a full, end-to-end example of how to use
on both Windows and Linux containers, please see the Akka.Bootstrap.Docker.Sample folder.
The first step in building an effective Akka.NET image is to define a Dockerfile, which you will use to create your Docker images. Here's an example of a minimal (but effective) Dockerfile that uses .NET Core 2.1, Akka.Cluster, and Petabridge.Cmd
FROM AS base
# should be a comma-delimited list
COPY ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/publish/ /app
# 9110 - Petabridge.Cmd
# 4053 - Akka.Cluster
EXPOSE 9110 4053
CMD ["dotnet", "Akka.Bootstrap.Docker.Sample.dll"]
In our opinion, the easiest way to work with Docker in .NET is to call dotnet publish
on the application you want to Dockerize and then to simply copy all of the binaries from the bin/release/[framework]/publish
directory into the working directory of your Docker container.
This keeps the Dockerfile very tidy and enables developers to take advantage of things like copying local binaries and packages into the container (which the Petabridge team has found to be helpful during dev and test.)
This is exactly what the buildWindowsDockerImages.ps1
scripts in our sample do.
From there, we recommend using tools like docker-compose
or Kubernetes to pass in the environment variables expected by Akka.Bootstrap.Docker
- that way you can form your initial network of Docker containers automatically.
Here are some relevant examples:
- Akka.Bootstrap.Docker.Sample/docker-compose-windows.yamldocker-compose
- Akka.Bootstrap.Docker.Sample/docker-compose-linux.yamlkubernetes
- Cluster.WebCrawler K8s Service Definitions