Akka.Hosting now does everything that Akka.Bootstrap did, but with better Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration support and more. Please check it out.
Akka.Remote and Akka.Cluster bootstrapping utilities for Akka.NET on various runtime environments.
To learn more about a specific runtime environment, please see the following:
- Bootstrapping Akka.NET for Docker
- Bootstrapping Akka.NET for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)
- Bootstrapping Akka.NET for Service Fabric
To run the build script associated with this solution, execute the following:
c:\> build.cmd all
Linux / OS X
c:\> build.sh all
If you need any information on the supported commands, please execute the build.[cmd|sh] help
This build script is powered by FAKE; please see their API documentation should you need to make any changes to the build.fsx
This library is maintained by Petabridge®. Copyright 2015-2020.