What is this?
This is the initial release of Imgur Downloader console application. It was built using Python 3.5, and tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. cd
into project directory and you can use it like this:
python3 crawlgur.py -v https://imgur.com/a/album_id /path/to/directory
For help, use:
python3 crawlgur.py -h
How to use it in personal projects?
All documentation is contained within classes, so peek into the source code. Here is a simple example:
from imgur import Imgur
imgur = Imgur('http://i.imgur.com/jedEzFL.jpg')
# Connect to imgur and find image link(s) for supplied link
# Add numeration to image filenames (i.e. image.jpg -> 1-image.jpg)
If you want to download images, you can include downloader into your project too:
from downloader import Downloader
downloader = Downloader(imgur.images, '/home/user/Download')
What is new?
- License added
Known limitations
- Cannot download collection of user galleries from links such as: [username].imgur.com
- Behavior with large size
files is not yet tested