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CONTROLS: type move in this format

piece you want to move file(in letter) piece you want to move file(in number) where you want to move it rank and fil (number/letter)

EXAMPLE a3b4(moves peice on a3 to b4)

Simple Console based checkers

MISSING: double capture and forced capture

no win condition/scoring system

also need to throw exceptions for when users input invalid control because right now the program just ends if you misinput

Also would like to add a save/load feature to save games in progress (COMPLETED)

known bugs: can jump out of bounds

purpose for each file

  • printboard converts the board[][] array (which consistes of 0's 1's 2' 10's and 20's: 0 is empty, 1 is player1's piece, 2 is player2's peice, 10 is player1's king and 20 is player2's king) into the graphics displayed in the console

  • setup is a simple algorithim to generate the defal starting positions

  • spotcolor determins if a square is white or black, this is used by the printboard class to determine what color an empty square is

  • Main is the main, and contains all the game logic and controls.

By: Peter Edde


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