In order for the simulation to work, a local blockchain setup is needed. Once the first account is created on the blockchain, it can be used in WalletGenerator.go to create accounts and send ether to them (if the first account has enough ether for this) so that multiple accounts can be used for the simulation.
Running the node:
geth --datadir ~/Documents/energy-p2p/private-testnet/ --ipcpath geth.ipc --nodiscover --networkid 567345 --rpc --rpcaddr "localhost" --rpcport 8110 --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3" --maxpeers 0 --verbosity 3 --pprof --pprofport 6110 console
Compiling code:
solc src/main/java/smartcontract/contracts/SmartContract.sol --bin --abi --optimize -o src/main/java/smartcontract/contracts/
Generating Java classes from .abi and .bin
/home/peter/Documents/web3j-3.3.1/bin/web3j solidity generate --javaTypes src/main/java/smartcontract/contracts/SmartContract.bin src/main/java/smartcontract/contracts/SmartContract.abi -o src/main/java/ -p
geth --datadir /home/peter/Documents/energy-p2p/private-testnet/ account list
WalletGenerator.go creates accounts and sends ether from coinbase to these accounts in order for the simulation to work. In essence, it automates the following logic:
eth.sendTransaction({from:'634912c016183f2cf416a3a35afa50de4a4ae726', to:'f70eb6650142417be6d4887acb4d132fb784f8b2', value: web3.toWei(1000000, "wei"), gas:21000});