Helps manage AWS CloudFormation stacks
- Added colour cloudformation event status output via 'highlight-output' setting in YAML.
highlight-output: true
You can now insert PyStache {{}} style variables to import environment variables.
stack: ami_id: {{AMIID}} AMID=ami-1q23123123 cumulus -y example_stack.yaml -a create would be seen by cloudformation with the ami id of ami-1q23123123
- You can now define stack level tags using the tags directive in the YaML file, like:
tags: tag1: value tag2: value
tags can be specified both at root level and sub-stack level. tags at root level are applied to all sub-stacks and duplicate sub-stack tags will override root level tags
- You can use the directive
disable: true
in any sub-stack to prevent it from being created/updated/deleted
Amazon CloudFormation (CF) allows you to instantiate multiple AWS resources in a repeatable, ordered and structured method. As our infrastructure grew, so did our CF templates and soon they were monolothic and complex to maintain. We looked at spliting these templates into smaller chunks, which worked as a short term solution but created a new problem. With multiple templates dependant on other declared resources, we were forced to manually pass parameters for inter-stack operability. This greatly affected the repeatability of our stacks as we did not have an easy method to keep track of what parameters were used, especially those relating to physical resource IDs.
Cumulus attempts to solve the problem by introducing a layer above CF templates, a stack configuration YAML file. This allows multiple CF stacks to be created in order and maintained respecting their dependencies. The YAML file stores values for parameters to be passed into each of the stacks. Parameters can be assigned with static values or will source the value of a parameter, output or resource of another stack described in the YAML file. Cumulus actively translates reference values to physical resource values on creation of the stack.
For our use, Cumulus can create, update and delete stacks reliably but is still very much in an Alpha state. We're looking forward to see how you use Cumulus, and please submit pull requests for any issues you may encounter or for feature requests :)
This is my first real python project, so I'm sure the code can be, just generally better...
Known issues:
- Templates are passed in as a JSON string to CF, this will break large templates
- Implement a way of displaying meaningful diffs during update runs
- Add support for using S3/Externally hosted templates
- Support larger templates
Clone the repo somewhere:
$ git clone git://
Install Cumulus with setuptools:
$ sudo python install
Make sure you have AWS credentials set up for boto (the library used by Cumulus to interact with AWS). Set the following environment variables:
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Your AWS Secret Access Key
or create a boto config file as described here, covering some other helpful boto-related settings.
Common sense warning: Running this example will create real resources in AWS and will cost you AWS credits / money / magic beans.
I have included an example stack in the examples/ dir. It consists of three files:
- cumulus_example_stack.yaml: The Cumulus yaml file for the stack. Creates a stack out of the following two templates in ap-southeast-2 (Sydney region)
- vpc_layer.json: CF template to creates a VPC, base subnet and ACL
- instance_layer.json: CF template to create an instance inside a given VPC
The template files are complete and work independently of Cumulus. Cumulus's purpose in life is just to make managing them easier.
To create the example stack, change into the examples/ dir and run:
$ cumulus -y cumulus_example_stack.yaml -a create
Cumulus will print out CF messages as it builds.
You can then try modifying the template and/or the values of the parameters and then update the stack:
$ cumulus -y cumulus_example_stack.yaml -a update
Once you have finished experimenting, you can delete as follows:
$ cumulus -y cumulus_example_stack.yaml -a delete
cumulus -h usage: cumulus [-h] -y YAMLFILE -a ACTION [-l LOGLEVEL] [-L BOTOLOGLEVEL] [-s STACKNAME] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -y YAMLFILE, --yamlfile YAMLFILE The yaml file to read the VPC mega stack configuration from -a ACTION, --action ACTION The action to perform: create, check, update, delete or watch -l LOGLEVEL, --log LOGLEVEL Log Level for output messages, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG -L BOTOLOGLEVEL, --botolog BOTOLOGLEVEL Log Level for boto, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG -s STACKNAME, --stack STACKNAME The stack name, used with the watch action, ignored for other actions
Have a look at examples/cumulus_example_stack.yaml for a commented version of the yaml file.
All sections are required at the moment, even if they are blank (i.e. depends, params). depends also needs to be empty or an array, even if the stack has only one dependency.