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GitHub Action to create dynamic and customizable README badges using


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GitHub Action to create dynamic and customizable README badges using the endpoint.

This is achieved by storing the required JSON data of the badge in the repository's Wiki. Nothing is committed or pushed to the main repository, and there are no external dependencies that require configuring.

The only requirement is to have at least one page in your repository's Wiki.


Before using the action there must be at least one page in your repository's Wiki so that it can be used to store the badge data. See here for instructions on how to add wiki pages.

Single Badge

Add a step to your workflow:

- name: Build-A-Badge
  uses: peterrhodesdev/build-a-badge@v1.3.1
    token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    filename: my-badge
    label: my
    message: badge

To display the badge in your README point the url parameter of the Shields endpoint query string to the raw content of the generated Wiki file:


So, for the badge above it will be:


The JSON badge data is stored in the wiki section of the repo in a file called <filename>.md. The username and email of the user who performed the last commit will be used as the details for the commit to the wiki. Alos, the commit message will contain a link to the commit that triggered the badge data update.

Multiple badges

multiple-badges-1 multiple-badges-2 multiple-badges-3 multiple-badges-4 multiple-badges-5

The input parameters also support arrays so that multiple badges can be created in a single workflow step.

name: Create multiple badges
on: [push]
    name: Multiple badges
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Build-A-Badge
        uses: peterrhodesdev/build-a-badge@v1.3.1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          filename: ("multiple-badges-1" "multiple-badges-2" "multiple-badges-3" "multiple-badges-4" "multiple-badges-5")
          label: ("label 1" "label 2" "label 3" "label 4" "label 5")
          message: ("message 1" "message 2" "message 3" "message 4" "message 5")
          color: ("darkslategrey" "008b8b" 'rgb(128,0,128)' 'hsl(229,100%,50%)' "")
          labelColor: ("critical" "9cf" 'rgba(72,209,204,0.5)' 'hsla(36,80%,40%,0.7)' "")
          namedLogo: ("github" "" "npm" "" "javascript")
          logoSvg: |
              '<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 122.88 122.88"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#ffd528;}.cls-1,.cls-2{fill-rule:evenodd;}.cls-2{fill:#141518;}</style></defs><title>smiley</title><path class="cls-1" d="M45.54,2.11A61.42,61.42,0,1,1,2.11,77.34,61.42,61.42,0,0,1,45.54,2.11Z"/><path class="cls-2" d="M45.78,32.27c4.3,0,7.79,5,7.79,11.27s-3.49,11.27-7.79,11.27S38,49.77,38,43.54s3.48-11.27,7.78-11.27Z"/><path class="cls-2" d="M77.1,32.27c4.3,0,7.78,5,7.78,11.27S81.4,54.81,77.1,54.81s-7.79-5-7.79-11.27S72.8,32.27,77.1,32.27Z"/><path d="M28.8,70.82a39.65,39.65,0,0,0,8.83,8.41,42.72,42.72,0,0,0,25,7.53,40.44,40.44,0,0,0,24.12-8.12,35.75,35.75,0,0,0,7.49-,0,0,1,.31,0L97,73.14a.21.21,0,0,1,0,.29A45.87,45.87,0,0,1,82.89,88.58,37.67,37.67,0,0,1,62.83,95a39,39,0,0,1-20.68-5.55A50.52,50.52,0,0,1,25.9,73.57a.23.23,0,0,1,0-.28l2.52-2.5a.22.22,0,0,1,.32,0l0,0Z"/></svg>'
              '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 122.88 106.16" style="enable-background:new 0 0 122.88 106.16" xml:space="preserve"><style type="text/css">.st0{fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;}</style><g><path fill="#b5eaaa" class="st0" d="M4.02,44.6h27.36c2.21,0,4.02,1.81,4.02,4.03v53.51c0,2.21-1.81,4.03-4.02,4.03H4.02 c-2.21,0-4.02-1.81-4.02-4.03V48.63C0,46.41,1.81,44.6,4.02,44.6L4.02,44.6z M63.06,4.46c2.12-10.75,19.72-0.85,20.88,16.48 c0.35,5.3-0.2,11.47-1.5,18.36l25.15,0c10.46,0.41,19.59,7.9,13.14,20.2c1.47,5.36,1.69,11.65-2.3,14.13 c0.5,8.46-1.84,13.7-6.22,17.84c-0.29,4.23-1.19,7.99-3.23,10.88c-3.38,4.77-6.12,3.63-11.44,3.63H55.07 c-6.73,0-10.4-1.85-14.8-7.37V51.31c12.66-3.42,19.39-20.74,22.79-32.11V4.46L63.06,4.46z"/></g></svg>'
          style: ("" "plastic" "flat-square" "for-the-badge" "social")
  • use bash array syntax
  • use single quotes '' for strings that contain parentheses ()
  • use an empty string "" to leave a parameter unassigned

the smiley custom logo is from Font Awesome and the thumbs up custom logo is from UXWing

Add the badges to the README according to the filename specified for each:


Input Parameters

See and the endpoint for a more detailed description and list of supported values for the parameters.

Name Is required? Default value Array supported? Description
token yes no GitHub token secret used for authentication. The value automatically created by GitHub can be used: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}.
filename yes yes The filename to use in the wiki for storing the JSON badge data. It cannot contain any whitespace characters.
label yes yes The left text.
message yes yes The right text.
color no lightgrey yes The right color.
labelColor no grey yes The left color.
namedLogo no yes Logo supported by Shields.
logoSvg no yes An SVG string containing a custom logo.
style no flat yes The default template to use.
wikiCommitUsername no username from the last commit no Override for the wiki commit username.
wikiCommitEmail no email from the last commit no Override for the wiki commit email.
wikiCommitMessage no URL link to the last commit no Override for the wiki commit message.

Parameters marked as Array supported can be specified using either a single value or an array. Note that only one or the other is allowed, i.e. either all applicable parameters need to be single values or they all need to be arrays.

If wikiCommitUsername, wikiCommitEmail, and wikiCommitMessage are all overridden, then a checkout step will be skipped in the Build-A-Badge action, which will reduce the amount of time it takes to run.


GitHub GraphQL API

github-graphql-api-open-issues github-graphql-api-open-vulnerabilities github-graphql-api-open-pull-requests github-graphql-api-forks github-graphql-api-stars

Badges generated from the results of some requests to the GitHub GraphQL API: open issues, open vulnerabilities, open pull requests, forks, and stars.

name: Create GitHub GraphQL API badges
    - cron: "0 0 * * *"
    name: GitHub GraphQL API badges
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Output GitHub GraphQL API info
        id: github_info
        run: |
          function github_graphql_request {
            echo $( \
              curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
              -H "Authorization: bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \
              -X POST \
              -d '{"query": "query {repository(owner: \"${{ github.repository_owner }}\", name: \"${{ }}\") {'$1$2' {totalCount}}}"}' \
              | jq ".data.repository."$1".totalCount" \
          echo "open_issues=$(github_graphql_request 'issues' '(states:OPEN)')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "open_vulnerabilities=$(github_graphql_request 'vulnerabilityAlerts' '(states:OPEN)')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "open_pull_requests=$(github_graphql_request 'pullRequests' '(states:OPEN)')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "stars=$(github_graphql_request 'stargazers' '')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "forks=$(github_graphql_request 'forks' '')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
        shell: bash
      - name: Build-A-Badge
        uses: peterrhodesdev/build-a-badge@v1.3.1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          filename: |
          label: ("open issues" "open vulnerabilities" "open pull requests" "forks" "stars")
          message: |
              "${{ steps.github_info.outputs.open_issues }}"
              "${{ steps.github_info.outputs.open_vulnerabilities }}"
              "${{ steps.github_info.outputs.open_pull_requests }}"
              "${{ steps.github_info.outputs.forks }}"
              "${{ steps.github_info.outputs.stars }}"
          namedLogo: ("github" "github" "github" "github" "github")
          color: ("4078c0" "4078c0" "4078c0" "4078c0" "4078c0")


git-size git-file-count git-last-commit-date git-latest-release git-commits-to-main

Badges generated from the results of some git commands: size, file count, last commit date, latest release, and commits to main.

name: Create git badges
on: [push]
    name: git badges
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check out repo with all history
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0
      - name: Output git info
        id: git_info
        run: |
          function format_size { echo $(numfmt --to iec --suffix B $1); }
          function format_number { LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 printf "%'d\n" $1; }
          echo "file_count=$(format_number $(git ls-files | wc -l))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "last_commit_date=$(git log -1 --format=%cd)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "latest_release=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "commits_to_main=$(format_number $(git rev-list --count main))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          git gc
          echo "size=$(format_size $(($(git count-objects -v | grep 'size-pack: ' | sed 's/size-pack: //g' | tr -d '\n') * 1024)))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
        shell: bash
      - name: Build-A-Badge
        uses: peterrhodesdev/build-a-badge@v1.3.1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          filename: |
          label: ("size" "files" "last commit" "latest release" "commits to main")
          message: |
              "${{ steps.git_info.outputs.size }}"
              "${{ steps.git_info.outputs.file_count }}"
              "${{ steps.git_info.outputs.last_commit_date }}"
              "${{ steps.git_info.outputs.latest_release }}"
              "${{ steps.git_info.outputs.commits_to_main }}"
          namedLogo: ("git" "git" "git" "git" "git")
          color: ("f1502f" "f1502f" "f1502f" "f1502f" "f1502f")

npm package

npm-package-version npm-package-license npm-package-size-unpacked npm-package-size-minified npm-package-size-minified-gzip npm-package-dependency-count npm-package-downloads

Badges for an npm package (react in this example) using the results from:

  • npm view - version, license, unpacked size
  • Bundlephobia - minified size, minified + gzipped size, dependencies
  • npm registry - downloads last week
name: Create npm package badges
    - cron: "0 0 * * 0"
    name: npm package badges
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      NPM_PACKAGE_NAME: react
      - name: Request JSON data from Bundlephobia
        id: bundlephobia
        run: echo "json=$(curl$NPM_PACKAGE_NAME)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
        shell: bash
      - name: Output NPM package details
        id: npm_package_details
        run: |
          function format_size { echo $(numfmt --to iec --suffix B $1); }
          function format_number { LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 printf "%'d\n" $1; }
          echo "version=$(npm view $NPM_PACKAGE_NAME dist-tags.latest)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "license=$(npm view $NPM_PACKAGE_NAME license)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "size_unpacked=$(format_size $(npm view $NPM_PACKAGE_NAME dist.unpackedSize))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "size_minified=$(format_size $(jq '.size' <<< '${{ steps.bundlephobia.outputs.json }}'))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "size_minified_gzip=$(format_size $(jq '.gzip' <<< '${{ steps.bundlephobia.outputs.json }}'))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "dependency_count=$(jq '.dependencyCount' <<< '${{ steps.bundlephobia.outputs.json }}')" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "downloads=$(format_number $(jq '.downloads' <<< $(curl$NPM_PACKAGE_NAME)))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
        shell: bash
      - name: Build-A-Badge
        uses: peterrhodesdev/build-a-badge@v1.3.1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          filename: |
          label: |
              "unpacked size"
              "minified size"
              "minified + gzipped size"
              "downloads last week"
          message: |
              "${{ steps.npm_package_details.outputs.version }}"
              "${{ steps.npm_package_details.outputs.license }}"
              "${{ steps.npm_package_details.outputs.size_unpacked }}"
              "${{ steps.npm_package_details.outputs.size_minified }}"
              "${{ steps.npm_package_details.outputs.size_minified_gzip }}"
              "${{ steps.npm_package_details.outputs.dependency_count }}"
              "${{ steps.npm_package_details.outputs.downloads }}"
          namedLogo: ("npm" "npm" "npm" "npm" "npm" "npm" "npm")
          color: ("cc3534" "cc3534" "cc3534" "cc3534" "cc3534" "cc3534" "cc3534")


crypto-bitcoin-price crypto-bitcoin-market-cap crypto-bitcoin-change

Cryptocurrency badges using the market data provided by CoinGecko API.

name: Create crypto badges
    - cron: "0 0 * * *"
    name: Crypto badges
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Request market data from CoinGecko
        id: coingecko
        run: |
          COINGECKO_JSON=$(curl -X 'GET' '' -H 'accept: application/json')
          echo "json=$COINGECKO_JSON" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
        shell: bash
      - name: Output market data
        id: market_data
        run: |
          function format_dollar_amount { LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 printf "%'0.2f\n" $1; }
          function get_change_color { if (( $(echo "$1 >= 0" | bc -l) )); then printf 'green'; else printf 'red'; fi; }
          echo "current_price=$(format_dollar_amount $(jq '.[0].current_price' <<< '${{ steps.coingecko.outputs.json }}'))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "market_cap=$(format_dollar_amount $(jq '.[0].market_cap' <<< '${{ steps.coingecko.outputs.json }}'))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "percentage_change=$(printf '%0.2f' $(jq '.[0].price_change_percentage_24h' <<< '${{ steps.coingecko.outputs.json }}'))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
          echo "percentage_change_color=$(get_change_color $(jq '.[0].price_change_percentage_24h' <<< '${{ steps.coingecko.outputs.json }}'))" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
        shell: bash
      - name: Build-A-Badge
        uses: peterrhodesdev/build-a-badge@v1.3.1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          filename: ("crypto-bitcoin-price" "crypto-bitcoin-market-cap" "crypto-bitcoin-change")
          label: ("current price" "market cap" "24hr change")
          message: |
              "\$${{ steps.market_data.outputs.current_price }}"
              "\$${{ steps.market_data.outputs.market_cap }}"
              "${{ steps.market_data.outputs.percentage_change }}%"
          color: ("f2a900" "f2a900" "${{ steps.market_data.outputs.percentage_change_color }}")
          namedLogo: ("bitcoin" "bitcoin" "bitcoin")


GitHub Action to create dynamic and customizable README badges using







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