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Maximum value for ‐s (size)

Petr Vorel edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 25 revisions
Project version Commit Bug Max -s value for Max -s value for ::1 Note
Busybox (probably) >= 1.4.0 4a5cf16a3 65535 65535
fping >= 2.4b2_to-ipv6 65488 65488 Expects IP header 40 bytes and max IP packet 65536 bytes
iputils s20100418 6fcbb46 ("ping6: do not allow too large packet size by -s option.") 65528 127992
iputils s20150815 25aaaf4 ("Allow ping to use IPv6 addresses") gh#5 127992 127992 Unified max value
iputils s20200821 a647e2c ("ping: allow any package size to be defined by user") gh#210 INT_MAX (2147483647) INT_MAX (2147483647)
inetutils 65399 65527
Real max. -s working value (Linux) - Linux kernel 6.9 65507 65527
Real max. -s working value (FreeBSD) - FreeBSD 14.1 65507 9208 (theoretically 131024)
Protocol Maximum size (bytes)
Max. IPv4 packet size 65535
Max. IPv4 payload 65515-65475 (depending on header size: 20-60 bytes)
Max. IPv6 packet size 65575
Max. IPv6 payload 65535 (header size: 40 bytes)
Max. ICMP payload 65507 = 65535 (IPv4 packet size) - 20 (min IPv4 header size) - 8 (ICMP header size)
Max. ICMPv6 payload 65527 = 65535 (IPv6 packet size) - 8 (ICMPv6 header size)

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