This project provides support for ACME-based certificates using the DFN PKI. The DFN PKI provides a SOAP-based API for requesting and approving certificate requests. However, it currently does not support ACME clients.
Hence, this project implements the following: ACME client <---> ACME server <---> DFN PKI SOAP API
It is based on the ACME server implementation acme2certifier (in Python) and the SOAP client provided by DFN-CERT Services GmbH, Hamburg, Germany and its contributors. (cf. SOAP-Client Version 4.3) written in Java.
This project is comprised of two parts:
- acme2file: A custom for acme2certifier.
- file2dfn: A Java program interacting with DFN's SOAP service.
A Python handler script that receives incoming CSRs from acme2certifier (the ACME server).
It works as follows:
- Invoked by acme2certifier, it receives incoming CSRs from ACME clients (after the challenges have completed)
- Writes CSRs to a directory
- Waits for certificates to appear in this directory
- Notifies acme2certifier by invoking the trigger endpoint
Java program for interacting with DFN's SOAP API to request certificates and to approve them.
It works as follows:
- It watches for new CSRs in the aforementioned directory (stored there by acme2file). The files must have a prefix
and suffix.csr
. Everything in between is treated as an identifier used byacme2file
. - Submits each CSR to the DFN SOAP server and approves them
- Polls the SOAP server for matching certificates and stores them in the directory in the form
"cert-" + acmeId + ".crt"
Create a directory structure as follows:
├── ca-name.txt
├── ca.p12
├── password.txt
├── pin.txt
├── ra-id.txt
└── role.txt
and populate the files (except for audit-smtp*
) according to DFN PKI's documentation (e.g., role.txt may contain Web Server
To use SMTP for auditing purposes, configure command line option -audit smtp
Add the folloging files to the configmap abouve.
Set SMTP options in audit-smtp.json
as follows
"Username": "...",
"Password": "...",
"Host": "...",
"Port": 25,
"Sender": "...",
"Recipient": "...",
"Subject": "[acme2file] Audit log message",
"Text": "See attachment."
and create a private (audit-smtp-priv.pem
) and public (audit-smtp-pub.pem
) key using commands such as:
openssl genrsa -out audit-smtp-priv.pem 4096
openssl rsa -in audit-smtp-key.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out audit-smtp-pub.pem
To verify the signature in the mail, use a command similar to this:
cat audit.json | openssl dgst -sha512 -verify private/configdir/audit-smtp-pub.pem -signature signature.asc
Then, create config map in your Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl create configmap acme2file-configmap --from-file=private/configdir
(add -o yaml --dry-run
to see the result only)
Run skaffold dev
For development, a local dry-run is supported:
(cd file2dfn ; mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=de.farberg.file2dfn.Main -Dexec.args="-dryrun -configdir ../private/configdir/ -dryrunCsrFile ../private/csr-base64.txt -dryrunCertFile ../private/example-cert.pem")
To run an interactive ACME test client in Kubernetes, use the following command:
# Create an interactive pod with certbot installed
kubectl delete pod/certbot ; kubectl run certbot --command=true --rm -ti --image certbot/certbot -- /bin/sh
# Obtain the primary IP and the pods Kubernetes DNS name
# cf.
PRIMARY_IP=`ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''`
MY_HOSTNAME="`echo $PRIMARY_IP | tr '.' '-'`.default.pod.cluster.local"
CERTBOT_COMMON_ARGS="--config-dir /tmp/acme/conf --work-dir /tmp/acme/work --logs-dir /tmp/acme/logs --agree-tos -m --server http://acme2file-service --no-eff-email --standalone --debug"
# Register the account with the ACME server and obtain certificate
rm -rf /tmp/acme ; certbot $CERTBOT_COMMON_ARGS register ; certbot $CERTBOT_COMMON_ARGS --preferred-challenges http -d "$MY_HOSTNAME" --cert-name certbot-test certonly
Libraries used and included in this repository
- This product includes software developed by DFN-CERT Services GmbH, Hamburg, Germany and its contributors. (cf. SOAP-Client Version 3.8.1/4.0.2)
- kohsuke/args4j
- Bouncycastle
Record asciinema in Iterm2
tmux -CC new -s myrec
and resize to 150 x 40tmux set status off ; export PS1='${PWD/*\//}$ '
- Split screen as required
In another shell
- Run
asciinema rec --overwrite -i 2 -c "tmux attach -t myrec" demo.cast
- Detach the session in tmux:
ctrl + b + d
- Convert to SVG using
cat demo.cast | svg-term --out demo.svg --term iterm2 --window --profile iterm2
These are stored in the folder file2dfn/local-maven-repo
# Soapclient
mvn deploy:deploy-file \
-Durl=file:./local-maven-repo/ \
-DrepositoryId=local-maven-repo \
-DupdateReleaseInfo=true \
-DgroupId=de.dfncert \
-DartifactId=soapclient \
-Dversion=4.3 \
# Utils
mvn deploy:deploy-file \
-Durl=file:./local-maven-repo/ \
-DrepositoryId=local-maven-repo \
-DupdateReleaseInfo=true \
-DgroupId=de.dfncert \
-DartifactId=utils \
-Dversion=2.13 \