Welcome to {sablefish}. This repository was created in 2023 for the limited sablefish update.
You can install {sablefish} from GitHub with
# install.packages("pak")
This repository is structured like an R package to ease the installation process and increase the ability to easily test code. Please follow the following guidelines for the placement of files.
│ └───workflows
│ └───figures
│ └───README-
- data is for data in its final form that will be included in the assessment or assessment document, do not commit these files;
- data-raw is for data files and .R scripts used to transform these raw files into something that is saved in data;
- man stores .Rd files and figures used in the documentation;
- R stores .R scripts that are loaded when building the package, this means functions only;
- sandbox is for exploratory scripts; and
- tests is for formal tests.
Please do not merge main into your feature branch or main; this repository will operate using a rebase strategy only to facilitate a linear commit history.
Please render this file every time you change it, and thus, all commits that include README.Rmd should include associated changes in README.md. A pre-commit hook will stop you from just committing this file if you have not also updated and staged changes to README.md.