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Kubernetes Admission Policy TESTing tool

Kaptest is a testing tool to check the CEL expressions of Validating Admission Policy.

Kaptest specializes in evaluating CEL expressions. It allows you to perform fast and simple testing of CEL expressions, without having to start the kube-apiserver, create the ValidatingAdmissionPolicy and parameter resources, or link it to the target resources using ValidatingAdmissionPolicyBinding.


You can install Kaptest by downloading the compiled binary from the release page. It can also be installed by using the following script:

curl -sLO "${KAPTEST_VERSION}/kaptest_${KAPTEST_VERSION}_${OS}_${ARCH}.tar.gz"
tar -xvf "kaptest_${KAPTEST_VERSION}_${OS}_${ARCH}.tar.gz"

How to Use

Setup Test Manifests

If you want to create a test for ./validatingadmissionpolicy.yaml, run the following command:

kaptest init validatingadmissionpolicy.yaml

This will create a ./validatingadmissionpolicy.test directory and generate a skeleton for writing test cases.

$ tree validationgadmissionpolicy.test/
├── kaptest.yaml
└── resources.yaml

$ cat validationgadmissionpolicy.test/kaptest.yaml
- ../validationgadmissionpolicy.yaml
- resources.yaml
- policy: simple-policy
  - object:
      kind: CHANGEME
      name: ok
    expect: admit
  - object:
      kind: CHANGEME
      name: bad
    expect: deny

Test File Structures

There are no restrictions on the test file names. Although the skeleton created by kaptest init uses kaptest.yaml, other names can also be used.

Test files should be written in the following format:

- <path/to/policy.yaml>
- <path/to/policy.yaml>
- <path/to/resource.yaml>
- <path/to/resource.yaml>
- policy: <name> # ValidatingAdmissionPolicy's name
  - object:
      group: <group> # Optional
      version: <version> # Optional
      kind: <kind> # Required
      namespace: <namespace> # Optional: It is needed to match with a resource whose namespace is set.
      name: <name> # Required
      group: <group> # Optional
      version: <version> # Optional
      kind: <kind> # Required
      namespace: <namespace> # Optional
      name: <name> # Required
    params: # GVK of Params is omitted since it is defined by `spec.ParamKind` field in ValidatingAdmissionPolicy
      namespace: <namespace> # Optional
      name: <name> # Required
    userInfo: # The same struct as request.userInfo
      user: <sub>
      groups: <groups>
      extra: ...
    expect: <allow|deny|skip|error>

Resources specified in the object, oldObject, params, and namespace fields of the test cases must be described in the YAML files specified in the resources field.

Run test

The tests defined in the above manifest can be run with the following command:

kaptest run <path/to/test_manifest.yaml> ...

You can run test cases of multiple YAML files at once and display the test results together.

Operation Type

You can describe the cases for CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE operations based on whether object and oldObject are specified. These are determined by the following conditions:

  • CREATE: Specify only object
  • UPDATE: Specify both object and oldObject
  • DELETE: Specify only oldObject

Evaluation Results

Kaptest focuses on evaluating CEL expressions, so even when an error occurs or matchConditions are not met it does not change the result to allow or deny. The test results of Kaptest will be one of the following four values:

  • allow: When all matchConditions and validations are evaluated as true
  • deny: When all matchConditions are evaluated as true, and at least one validation is evaluated as false
  • skip: When at least one matchCondition is evaluated as false
  • error: When at least one matchCondition or validation cannot be evaluated

Even if you configure the spec.failurePolicy, it will not affect the test results.


Examples are here.


  • Note that matchExpressions are never evaluated in this tool. This means you can specify any objects or oldObjects that do not satisfy matchExpressions in your test cases, though this is not recommended as it does not constitute a valid test case.

  • The following CEL variables are not supported for now.

    • request.requestResource
    • request.subResource
    • request.requestSubResource
    • request.options
    • authorizer
  • The following attributes are fixed and cannot be changed.

    • request.dryRun = True
      • Since Kaptest is a testing tool, dryRun is always set to true.


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