Calculates and returns all spherical harmonics up to a given degree (including all orders <= degree), faster than Scipy for large arrays.
import numpy as np
import numsph
az = np.random.uniform(0, 2.*np.pi, 10000)
pol = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, 10000)
#calculate shperical harmonics up to degree 4
sphdic = numsph.sph(4,az,pol)
[ 0.29883719+0.02571323j 0.36657912+0.11878028j -0.38797512+0.00997551j
... 0.19399634+0.38149024j -0.18006638-0.00831573j
# With derivative=True, two additional dictionaries are returned: derivatives with respect to azimuthal angle and polar, i.e.
sphdic,dsphaz,dsphpol = numsph.sph(4,az,pol,derivative=True)
# return associated Legendre polynomials and its derivative evaluted at x
lpdic = numsph.alp(4,x)
lpdic,dlpdic = numsph.alp(4,x,derivative=True)
- Returns dictionary containing spherical harmonics up to a given degree, key tuple (order,degree)
- Aslo calculates the derivatives of the spherical harmonics with respect to both angles, e.g. sph(l,az,pol,derivative=True)
- Better preformance than scipy for large arrays (by about a factor 3 for a 100000 element array using l=4)
- Associated Legendre polynomials with optional derivatives, same key i.e. (order,degree)
In order to hopefully reduce some of the confusion caused by different conventions for spherical coordinates (nicely covered on Wolfram Mathword), in the code the angles are referred to as azimuthal and polar rather than adopting the physics or mathematics convention, for degree l (or li in loops) is used and for order m (or mi in loops).
# Gegenbauer ultraspherical polynomials up n
gegdic = numsph.gegenbauer(n, alpha, x)
gegdic, dgegdic = numsph.gegenbauer(n, alpha, x, derivative=True)