Utilities to work with Church Slavonic language
re-encodes text from legacy UCS encoding to Unicode utf-8cu_codechart
generates TeX document that tests fonts by showing characters in Unicode blocks used by Church Slavoniccu_normalize
Allows one to re-encode Church slavonic unicode text between two flavors of "uk" representation
Many Church Slavonic texts are available in legacy encodings. Most prominent are:
Since there are already tools to convert from HIP to UCS see here, we only need to cover UCS-to-Unicode leg.
This code is inspired by Perl converter by Aleksandr Andreev, and uses its for the critical part - encoding tables. You can consider this to be a Python3 port of Aleksandr's work.
Generates a XeLaTex document to test font, Use this to evaluate fonts that claim support for Church Slavonic.
This is a Python3 port of original code by Aleksandr Andreev. The only rationale for this port is me not willing to install Perl :)
Re-encodes between current (but retireing) handling of lowercase "uk" digraph in Unicode and upcoming (not yet approved as of Jan 2016) Unicode recommendation.