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Python microframework for modular monoliths and loosely coupled apps


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Lato is a Python microframework designed for building modular monoliths and loosely coupled applications. Based on dependency injection and Python 3.6+ type hints.


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  • Modularity: Organize your application into smaller, independent modules for better maintainability.

  • Flexibility: Loosely couple your application components, making them easier to refactor and extend.

  • Testability: Easily test your application components in isolation.

  • Minimalistic: Intuitive and lean API for rapid development without the bloat.

  • Async Support: Concurrency and async / await is supported.


Install lato using pip:

pip install lato


Here's a simple example to get you started:

from lato import Application, TransactionContext
from uuid import uuid4

class UserService:
    def create_user(self, email, password):

class EmailService:
    def send_welcome_email(self, email):

app = Application(
    name="Hello World",
    # dependencies

def create_user_use_case(email, password, session_id, ctx: TransactionContext, user_service: UserService):
    # session_id, TransactionContext and UserService are automatically injected by ``
    print("Session ID:", session_id)
    user_service.create_user(email, password)
    ctx.publish("user_created", email)

def on_user_created(email, email_service: EmailService):

with app.transaction_context(session_id=uuid4()) as ctx:
    # session_id is transaction scoped dependency
    result =, "", "password")

Example of a modular monolith

Lato is designed to help you build modular monoliths, with loosely coupled modules. This example shows how to introduce a structure in your application and how to exchange messages (events) between modules.

Let's imagine that we are building an application that allows the company to manage its candidates, employees and projects. Candidates and employees are managed by the employee module, while projects are managed by the project module. When a candidate is hired, the employee module publishes a CandidateHired event, which is handled by the employee module to send a welcome email. When an employee is fired, the employee module publishes an EmployeeFired event, which is handled by both the employee and project modules to send an exit email and to remove an employee from any projects, respectively.

First, let's start with commands that holds all the required information to execute a use case:


from lato import Command

class AddCandidate(Command):
    candidate_id: str
    candidate_name: str

class HireCandidate(Command):
    candidate_id: str

class FireEmployee(Command):
    employee_id: str
class CreateProject(Command):
    project_id: str
    project_name: str
class AssignEmployeeToProject(Command):
    employee_id: str
    project_id: str

And the events that are published by the application (note that all events are expressed in past tense):


from lato import Event

class CandidateHired(Event):
    candidate_id: str

class EmployeeFired(Event):
    employee_id: str
class EmployeeAssignedToProject(Event):
    employee_id: str
    project_id: str

Now let's define the employee module. Each function which is responsible for handling a specific command is decorated with employee_module.handler. Similarly, each function which is responsible for handling a specific event is decorated with employee_module.on.


from lato import ApplicationModule
from commands import AddCandidate, HireCandidate, FireEmployee
from events import CandidateHired, EmployeeFired

employee_module = ApplicationModule("employee")

def add_candidate(command: AddCandidate, logger):"Adding candidate {command.candidate_name} with id {command.candidate_id}")

def hire_candidate(command: HireCandidate, publish, logger):"Hiring candidate {command.candidate_id}")

def fire_employee(command: FireEmployee, publish, logger):"Firing employee {command.employee_id}")

def on_candidate_hired(event: CandidateHired, logger):"Sending onboarding email to {event.candidate_id}")

def on_employee_fired(event: EmployeeFired, logger):"Sending exit email to {event.employee_id}")

As you can see, some functions have additional parameters (such as logger or publish) which are automatically injected by the application (to be more specific, by a transaction context) upon command or event execution. This allows you to test your functions in isolation, without having to worry about dependencies.

The structure of the project module is similar to the employee module:


from lato.application_module import ApplicationModule
from commands import CreateProject, AssignEmployeeToProject
from events import EmployeeFired, EmployeeAssignedToProject

project_module = ApplicationModule("project")

def on_employee_fired(event: EmployeeFired, logger):"Checking if employee {event.employee_id} is assigned to a project")

def create_project(command: CreateProject, logger):"Creating project {command.project_name} with id {command.project_id}")
def assign_employee_to_project(command: AssignEmployeeToProject, publish, logger):"Assigning employee {command.employee_id} to project {command.project_id}")
    publish(EmployeeAssignedToProject(employee_id=command.employee_id, project_id=command.project_id))
def on_employee_assigned_to_project(event: EmployeeAssignedToProject, logger):"Sending 'Welcome to project {event.project_id}' email to employee {event.employee_id}")

Keep in mind that the employee_module is not aware of the project_module and vice versa. The only way to communicate between modules is through events.

Finally, let's put everything together:


import logging
import uuid
from lato import Application, TransactionContext
from employee_module import employee_module
from project_module import project_module
from commands import AddCandidate, HireCandidate, CreateProject, AssignEmployeeToProject, FireEmployee

logger = logging.getLogger()
console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

app = Application("Modular Application", logger=logger)

def on_enter_transaction_context(ctx: TransactionContext):
    logger = ctx[logging.Logger]
    transaction_id = uuid.uuid4()
    logger = logger.getChild(f"transaction-{transaction_id}")
    ctx.dependency_provider.update(logger=logger, transaction_id=transaction_id, publish=ctx.publish)
    logger.debug("<<< Begin transaction")

def on_exit_transaction_context(ctx: TransactionContext, exception=None):
    logger = ctx[logging.Logger]
    logger.debug(">>> End transaction")
def logging_middleware(ctx: TransactionContext, call_next):
    logger = ctx[logging.Logger]
    description = f"{ctx.current_action[1]} -> {repr(ctx.current_action[0])}" if ctx.current_action else ""
    logger.debug(f"Executing {description}...")
    result = call_next()
    logger.debug(f"Finished executing {description}")
    return result

app.execute(command=AddCandidate(candidate_id="1", candidate_name="Alice"))
app.execute(command=CreateProject(project_id="1", project_name="Project 1"))
app.execute(command=AssignEmployeeToProject(employee_id="1", project_id="1"))

The first thing to notice is that the Application class is instantiated with a logger. This logger is used as an application level dependency. The Application class also provides a way to include submodules using the include_submodule method. This method will automatically register all the handlers and listeners defined in the submodule.

Next, we have the on_enter_transaction_context and on_exit_transaction_context hooks. These hooks are called whenever a transaction context is created or destroyed. The transaction context is automatically created when app.execute is called. The purpose of a transaction context is to hold all the dependencies that are required to execute a command or handle an event, and also to create any transaction level dependencies. In this example, we use the on_enter_transaction_context hook to update the transaction context with a logger and a transaction id, but in a real application you would probably want to use the hooks to begin a database transaction and commit/rollback any changes. If you need to get a dependency from the transaction context, you can use the ctx[identifier] syntax, where identifier is the name (i.e. logger) or type (i.e. logging.Logger) of the dependency.

There is also a logging_middleware which is used to log the execution of any commands and events. This middleware is automatically called whenever a command or event is executed, and there may be multiple middlewares chained together.

Finally, we have the app.execute calls which are used to execute commands and events. The app.execute method automatically creates a transaction context and calls the call method of the transaction context. The call method is responsible for executing the command or event, and it will automatically inject any dependencies that are required.

In addition, you can use app.publish to publish any external event, i.e. from a webhooks or a message queue.

Dive deeper

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What lato actually means?

Lato is the Polish word for "summer". And we all know that summer is more fun than spring ;)