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Steven Frank edited this page May 29, 2015 · 2 revisions

About the Monitor.


Einstein has a built-in monitor that allows you to:

  • pause and resume Newton emulation
  • view disassembly, CPU registers, MMU information, and memory
  • set breakpoints
  • and more!

Currently the monitor is available in command-line and OS X builds of Einstein. In the OS X version, it can be accessed by choosing Window > Monitor.


  • stop stops the emulator, displaying registers and code at the current pc
  • run (or g) resumes a stopped emulator
  • mmu displays MMU status
  • mmu addr resolve virtual address addr to a physical address
  • step steps one instruction
  • trace (or t)
  • mr
  • break addr (or bp addr) set a breakpoint at the given address
  • bc addr clear the breakpoint at addr
  • dl Paddr display from a physical address
  • dl addr display from a virtual address
  • dm addr display memory at virtual address
  • dm Paddr display memory at physical address
  • dm begin-end display memory within range of virtual addresses
  • dm Pbegin-end display memory within range of physical addresses
  • pc=n set pc to n
  • sl addr val store value at virtual address
  • sl Paddr val store value at physical address
  • rX=n set register X (0-15) to n
  • raise n raise interrupt #n
  • gpio n raise GPIO n
  • watch n addr
  • enable log log to file on disk
  • disable log stop logging to file on disk