This is a group buying platform that uses a "minimum purchase" requirement to offer discounted prices to consumers. As soon as the minimum number of consumers say 5, buy the commodity on the web application by paying the price, they are eligible to avail the discounted price. It also has the capability to accept cryptocurrency payments through the use of a Solana blockchain-based payment gateway.
-React -MongoDb -Node.js -Express -Next.js -Solana/wallet-adapter (To connect Crypto-Wallet) -Solana/web3 (To make transaction over the solana blockchain) -Stripe
First, install phantom wallet in your web browser and create a wallet
Clone the git repository ''' git clone
Now, run this command on all three directories separately : ''' npm i '''
Run ''' npm start ''' command on frontend and backend directories Run ''' npm run dev ''' command on solana-frontend directory
The database can be decentralized on a platform like Filecoin. The Group buying algorithm can be improved. Increase the support of more cryptocurrencies