This fork of idli is updated for Python 3 and latest version of Redmine.
Idli is a command line interface to bug tracking tools. The goal is simple. To add a bug to a project, you can visit your bug tracker's website and use the web interface.
I (the author) prefer the command line:
$ idli add --title "The frobnicator is broken." --body "The frobnicator does not frobnicate."
Currently idli allows you to talk to github and trac backends.
Standard python install:
$ git clone $ cd Idli $ python3 build $ python3 install
Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed.
...section to be updated for Python 3.
To begin, you need to initialize an idli project. The general format for doing this is:
$ cd project_dir $ idli init BACKEND OPTION1 OPTION2
For example, if the project is hosted on github, you would use:
$ idli init github idli stucchio
This would direct idli set your idli backend to my idli repository.
Some idli commands also require login information:
$ idli config github USERNAME TOKEN
where TOKEN is the github API token (go to and select "Account Admin").
The idli config command is used to configure global variables, while idli init is used to configure a project.
To add a bug:
$ idli add --title "title of bug" --body "body of bug." Issue added! ID: 33 Title: title of bug Creator: stucchio Create time: 2010-10-03 14:35:28 Open: True body of bug.
If the title and body are unspecified, idli will open an editor for you to type them. The specific editor used can be configured via the EDITOR environment variable (note that git uses the same variable).
To tag a bug:
$ ./scripts/idli tag 33 demo ID: 33 Title: title of bug Creator: stucchio Create time: 2010-10-03 14:35:28 Open: True Tags: demo body of bug.
Bugs can also be tagged when created with idli add --tags=foo,bar - the resulting issue will have both the tags foo and bar.
To list existing bugs:
$ idli list ID date title creator owner # comments 11 2010/10/02 warp drive is broken kirk 0 31 2010/10/03 frobnicator is broken stucchio stucchio 0 32 2010/10/03 beer in the widgets stucchio homer 3 35 2010/10/03 beer in the frobnicator stucchio homer 4 38 2010/10/03 title of bug stucchio 0
To assign a bug:
$ idli assign 11 scotty --message "I need warp drive now."
To comment on an issue:
$ idli comment 11 --body "Keptin, I canna change the laws of physics!"
To list issues owned by you (not supported by all backends):
$ idli list --mine ID date title creator owner # comments 31 2010/10/03 frobnicator is broken stucchio stucchio 0
To list issues with a given tag:
$ idli list --tag=beer ID date title creator owner # comments 32 2010/10/03 beer in the widgets stucchio homer 3 35 2010/10/03 beer in the frobnicator stucchio homer 4
To view a bug in more detail:
$ idli show 11 ID: 11 Title: Frobnicator broken Creator: stucchio Create time: 2010-09-21 03:26:57 Open: True Tags: frobnicator So very broken.
To resolve a bug:
$ idli resolve 11 --message "Issue resolved by fixing the frobnicator."
Not all features work in all backends. Github, for example, does not support assigning a bug to a user.
Idli can connect to the bug tracker at github. To use, first you need to configure idli with your github login information:
$ idli config github USER TOKEN
Here, USER is your username and TOKEN is your github API token. The TOKEN can be accessed by logging in to github, proceeding to and selecting "Account Admin".
This need only be done once per computer.
To initialize a github project:
$ idli init github REPO OWNER
Here, REPO is the name of the repository (e.g., 'idli') and OWNER is the github username of the project owner (e.g., 'stucchio').
If you wish to use a separate USER/TOKEN pair for a specific project, after calling idli init, you can use:
$ idli config --local-only USER TOKEN
This will set the USER/TOKEN for the current project only.
Trac is much the same is github, but with slightly different parameters:
$ idli config trac USER PASSWORD $ idli init SERVER PATH
Idli can be used with trac, but this requires the xmlrpc plugin for trac to be enabled.
First, the xmlrpc plugin for trac must be installed:
$ easy_install -Z -U
The website for the plugin is here:
Then it must be enabled. This can be done by adding the following to your trac.ini file:
[components] tracrpc.* = enabled
Lastly, xmlrpc permissions must be given to authenticated users:
$ trac-admin TRAC_DIRECTORY permission add authenticated XML_RPC
You should enable setting Enable REST web service under Administration/Settings/Authentication. This will enable showing API access key under My Account. Creating new project:
$ idli init redmine APIKEY PROJECT_ID USERNAME
As there is no default tagging mechanism in Redmine, tagging does not work.
New backends can be added to idli by subclassing idli.Backend. For example, the GithubBackend has the following general structure:
class GithubBackend(idli.Backend): name = "github" config_section = "Github" init_names = { "repo" : "Name of repository", "owner" : "Owner of repository (github username).", } config_names = [ ("user", "Github username"), ("token", "Github api token. Visit and select 'Account Admin' to view your token.") ]
The init_names and config_names parameters are used to create the arguments for idli init and idli config respectively. These parameters can be retrieved using self.get_config(name) (i.e., in a GithubBackend method, one can call self.get_config("repo") to get the name of the reposuitory).
Then, various specific methods must be build:
def add_issue(self, title, body): #Adds issue ...Implementation details... def issue_list(self, state=True): #Returns a list of idli.Issue objects - state is whether they are open or closed ...Implementation details...
etc. For a full listing, see the file idli/ Any method which raises an IdliNotImplementedException must be overridden (if possible).
To report errors to the user, you should raise an idli.IdliException("error message") from within the backend:
def issue_list(self, state=True): ...Implementation details... raise idli.IdliException("Github hates us!")
...More details...