Thesis project done for my IT programme at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The project is a digitalized version of the popular Finnish game Alias.
Run the command below to clone a local version of the repository.
git clone
There should be an option to clone using SSH if you wish to.
Run the install command to install npm packages needed for the project.
npm install
If the command failed, check if you have installed Node on the local machine. If you have not, install it from here.
We'll start with some environment variables. To do this, create a .env file in the root directory (do not go under any child directory as this will prevent SvelteKit from properly recognizing these variables). The content of the file should be something like this:
POCKETBASE_URL will be used to instantiate a PocketBase instance. The URL could be replaced by a PocketBase instance URL if you have decided to host it somewhere else. Localhost shall be sufficient for storing data in a local environment. If you had decide to use localhost, the command below has to be run before running the development server:
cd .\pocketbase && .\pocketbase serve
This will fire up the local PocketBase instance.
After everything is set up, you shall have a directory named AliasWebBased in your file system. Open up the terminal in this directory, and run the following command to see magic happen:
npm run dev -- --open
A new browser window should open with the application presenting.
- The project is using Vercel's cron jobs to do some clean ups with database entries. Using a local server will disable this feature and entries will have to be cleaned up manually.