PagerDuty Sleep Reporter is a supplemental analytics package that allows you to get a better insight into your on-call team's health. The default behavior of the app is to look at a single month at a time, but generally you can pull a quarter's worth of data from the API before running into validation errors with pagerduty's API.
A pager duty api token set in your environment. PAGERDUTY_API_TOKEN generating an api key
install the app
go install
set your PAGERDUTY_API_TOKEN in your environment, and run the app for a period of time.
example, to generate a report for the month of January of 2023 for your teams
PAGERDUTY_API_TOKEN=token ./pd-off-hour-reporter -start-year 2023 -start-month 01 -end-month 0 --team-ids UUID1,UUID2
additional command-line arguments are as follows, note that all dates assume a numeric representation
$ ./pd-off-hour-reporter --help
Usage of ./pd-off-hour-reporter:
-end-month string
ending numeric representation of ending month, eg 03 (default current month)
-end-year string
ending numeric representation of year, eg 2023 (default current years)
-start-month string
starting numeric representation of month, eg 12 (default last month)
-start-year string
starting numeric representation of year, eg 2022 (default current years)
-team-ids string
comma separated string of pager duty team ids