This is a simulator for 'Elevator System'. A system of 16 elevators is simulated in this code. Every request for an elevator on any floor is served with the optimal choice of elevator out of available 16 elevators.
To compile run, mvn compile
to execute run, mvn exec:java
At any given point, press either 1 or 2 to interact with the program. If you wish to exit, press Control+C
To run unit test run, mvn test
This execution has been purposely slowed down by introducing Thread.sleep() call whenever an elevator passes any floor. So when running unit tests, please be patient even if there is no output on the console for a brief moment. Please wait till you get the command prompt back.
We have 3 Major componets in this system :-
Elevator - This class simulates an elevator and implements a basic functionality for the movement of the elevator. In this setup we have total 16 instances of this class with each representing and individual elevator. The number 16 is an arbitary choice here and is not a design contraint. We may choose to have as many number of elevators as we like. There is no restriction on the max number of elevators from the design of the system.
ElevatorController - This is core component of our system. This class is designed in such a way that it decouples the elevators from the user requests to use elevators. Advantage of such design is, both elevators and user requests (ElevatorRequest) can function independanty without having to block each other. This also opens up scope for scaling this on a distributed system with extracted interface of ElevatorController class.
ElevatorRequest - The objects of this class represent the user request to use the elevator system.
The ElevatorController dispatches ElevatorRequests based on nearest available
elevators. Elevators are not selected just by simple first-come, first-served.
Every elevator has 3 states; UP, DOWN and STATIONARY. Every time elevator
changes the state ElevatorController is notified. This helps in scenarios
where ElevatorRequest(s) coming later point in time but falling on the the path of
original ElevatorRequest can be served without any blocking.
a. All elevators are at floor 0.
b. ElevatorRequest comes from floor 8 to go down to floor 2. Let's call it
c. Since all elevators are at 0, the first one is selected
and it starts moving towards floor 8 from floor 0.
d. While it's passing floor 4, and there comes an ElevatorRequest
for floor 5 to floor 7. This request doesn't have to wait for
orignal request 'req1' to complete. This request can be served
immediately while elevator is moving upwards towards floor 8
but have not passed floor 5.
e. Similarly where 'req1' is moving from floor 8 to floor 2, any
request towards DOWN direction from the floors that the elevator
has not passed already will be served.
Overall the flow looks like,
ElevatorRequest(s) -> ElevatorController -> Elevator(s)
- If you see console screen stuck at something like,
- Design issues - A. While searching for potential elevators, ElevatorController looks only for elevators that are moving in the same direction as that of request or are in stationary. i.e. If request comes to move UP, then ElevatorController will search through only those elevators who are moving up or stationary. This limitation sometimes makes ElevatorController to skip more optimal elevators. This can be improved if ElevatorController takes into accout the target floor of each moving elevator and not just the general direction. B. If elevator is moving in an opposite direction to the requested direction, it is possible for an elevator to go pass the original requested floor. This happens when the second request comes who's target floor is beyond requested floor of the original request. This results in a delayed service for the original request. This can be fixed if elevators are able to hand over their respective requests to each other.