A GoLang subresource integrity check module
Used to make integrity attributes from a given resource.
- jsSrc string - a string URL to a file, generally JS or CSS
- a map of hashes for that data (map[string]string). The index, or key, of the map will be a string of the hash algorithm. The value of the map will be the base64 hash for the data
- error
Used to check all of the intrgrity attributes on a page.
- pageUrl - a string URL to a page
- Return a boolean value based on the integrity checks - true when all integrity attributes are valid (or not present) and false when an integrity attribute does not check correctly.
- error
Used to print out (to cli) a nice table for enumerating JS resources, integrity attributes, and their validity.
- pageUrl - a string URL to a page
Print a table summarizing all of the JS includes, their integrity attributes, and the validity of integrity attributes
Used to check a provided integrity attribute for a provided URL.
- jsSrc - a string URL to a file (generally a JS or CSS file)
- integrity - the string of the integrity attribute
- a boolean - Returns true for valid and false for invalid
- error
[ ] Improve testing