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term docs

[!] see todo for planned features
[!] only tested on windows

c documentation for the terminal
works offline and is customizable
also has search utility functions
works in neovim
most c std library documentation is based on tutorialspoint and cppreference

doc search
logo logo

table of contents


  • search documentation
    • basic c functionality/types/etc.
    • all standard c functions
    • git
    • gcc
    • stb_ds
    • my own: global
  • search function definitions in specified dir
  • syntax highlighting & markup language
  • config file


doc -h -help    -> help
doc -c -color   -> disable syntax highlighting
doc -d          -> search for func defenition
doc -config     -> print config file
doc ... -loc    -> print location of documentation

modifier can have arbitrary position

  doc malloc -c
  doc -c malloc
  doc -c malloc -config stdlib

doc [keyword1] [keyword2] ...  -> documentation
  doc git log
  -> finds all docs with both git and log tags
  doc malloc

stdlib.sheet|malloc -------------------------------

|allocate|memory|dynamic memory|
void* malloc(size_t size)
    allocate the specified amount of memory.
    ! needs to be freed using [free]
    ! size is in bytes
    ! returns NULL on fail
    ~ included in <stdlib.h>
      // array now has space for 10 int's
      int* array = malloc(10 * sizeof(int));

  < >


doc [dir] [keyword] -d  -> search
  doc ../code function -d 
  doc -d ../code function 

function -----------------------------------------

// comment
void function(int arg);
  -> file: 'src/file0.h' line: 34
void function(char arg);
  -> file: 'external/file1.h' line: 92



  1. clone git repo
  2. use cmake & make / vs19 to build
    • in root call cmake_build
    • make: in root call build
    • vs19: go to build/vs19/doc.sln
      • compile
  3. add root/bin directory to your path
    • root/bin/Debug or root/bin/Release for vs19


  • output text is messed up

    • try adding '-c' to your command to disable syntax highlighting,
      some terminals don't support it, like command prompt on windows
      on windows the new windows terminal, found in microsoft store, supports it
      see config-file to permanently disable highlighting

    • disable [utf8] and [icons] in config.doc see config-file

  • custom documentation doesnt show up, check if its surrounded by #
    and the tags are surrounded in |


custom documentation

the documentation in in the '.sheet' file in the 'sheets' folder
adding a new file here lets you add any documentation, using a custom markup style
you can add more paths in the config file

|allocate|memory|dynamic memory|
void* malloc(size_t size)   
    allocate the specified amount of memory.
    ! needs to be freed using [free]
    ! size is in bytes
    ! returns NULL on fail
    ~ included in <stdlib.h>
      // array now has space for 10 int's
      int* array = malloc(10 * sizeof(int));

?< >?

'#' starts and ends a section of documentation
'|' starts and ends a tag which is what the search engine looks for
'!' warning / hint
'~' info
'?' link

to include a '#' symbol in your documentation you need to escape it \\#,
or escape once for macros \#define and tags |\#|
the same applies to ! ~ ? | \! \~ \? \| a = a \!= b \? c : d; -> a = a != b ? c : d;

to color/style text use $...$ command and $$ to reset

    $red$red$$ $green$green$$ $yellow$yellow$$ $blue$blue$$
    $purple$purple$$ $cyan$cyan$$
    $r$red $g$green $y$yellow $b$blue $p$purple $c$cyan $$
    $R$red $G$green $Y$yellow $B$blue $P$purple $C$cyan $$

    changing $italic$mode italic $red$color$white$ hello $$ normal
    $dim$mode dim,$$ $italic$$dim$ italic dim$$
    $underline$underline$$ normal
    $/$italic$$ normal $_$underline$$ normal $%$dim$$ \? $$
    $~$set info style$$ normal again
    $!$set warn style$$ normal again
    $?$set link style$$ normal again
    $|$set tag style$$ normal again
    $|$not_tag$|$ $$ $not_tag$ finds this
    $|$\|tag-name\|$$ -> |tag-name|

to include icons properly use:

  $icon::icon-text$ -> tunrns to '' if [icons] and [utf8] in config.doc are true, else 'icon-text'

for more help on custom sheets or general usage use command doc -h in terminal,
or doc sheet-syntax-examples to see all usecases for syntax

custom executable name

open build/make/CMakeLists.txt change set(NAME "...") at the top now repeat the instalation steps

config file

config file is root/config.doc

// comment
[syntax] true
[location] true
[utf8]  true
[icons] true

// black, red, green, yellow, blue, purple, cyan, white
[title_color] red 
// [border] ascii: " " "-" "_" "." nerdfont: "" "" "" "" "󰥛" "󱑻" "󱑼
[border] ""
[seperator_left]  ""
[seperator_right] ""
// [seperator_left]  ""
// [seperator_right] ""
[title_spacing] 0.1

// builtin sheets
[sheet_dir_rel] "sheets/builtin_sheets/"
[sheet_dir_rel] "src/sheets"
[sheet_dir] "C:\custom_sheets"

boolean: can be true or false, TRUE or FALSE
[syntax] enables or disables highlighting
[location] enables or disables printing location of .sheet file and line
[utf8] enables or disables using utf8 character
[icons] enables or disables using nerdfont-icons
colors: can be black, red, green, yellow, blue, purple, cyan, white
[title_color] color of the title number:
[title_spacing] 0.0 means title is left, 0.5 center, 1.0 right, etc.
string: -> "..."
[border] char used to draw border above below docs, can be " "
[seperator_left] char used at left of title
[seperator_right] char used at right of title
[error_icon] set a string to replace ! in error messages, ! by default
[warning_icon] set a string to replace ! in docs, ! by default
[info_icon] set a string to replace ~ in docs, ~ by default
[link_icon] set a string to replace ? in docs, ? by default
[sheet_dir] add a new path to check for .sheet files
[sheet_dir_rel] is relative to root dir
max is 8 right now, view doc -config for current max
use // for comments

use -config modifier to print config file
run >doc config-file for more help

vim | neovim


i havent tested this
in .vimrc / _vimrc add, view reference link
command -nargs=1 -complete=file -bar Doc :split | :term <args>


add either one to your nvim/init.lua to add the command

open in split

open doc in split, using :Doc ... command
change split to vsplit for vertical split

    function(opts) vim.cmd('split | term '..opts.fargs[1]) end, 
    {  nargs = 1, desc = ''})

open in popup

open doc documentation in nui.nvim popup using :Doc ... command
closes using :q, just pressing q or esc, can be remapped

image logo
nvim lua code
      local Popup = require("nui.popup")
      local popup = Popup({
        position = "50%",
        size = { width  = 0.4, height = 0.65 },
        enter = true,
        focusable = true,
        zindex = 50,
        relative = "editor",
        border = {
          padding = {top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 3, right = 3 },
          style = "rounded",
          text = { top = " doc: "..opts.fargs[1].." ", top_align = "center" },
        buf_options = { modifiable = false, readonly = true },
        win_options = { winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:Normal" },

      -- close popup when leaving it
      local event = require("nui.utils.autocmd").event
      popup:on({ event.BufLeave, event.BufDelete, event.BufHidden },
        end, { once = true })
      -- quit with esc or q
      popup:map("t", "<esc>", function() vim.cmd('q!') popup:unmount() end)
      popup:map("t", "q",     function() vim.cmd('q!') popup:unmount() end)
      -- open terminal
      vim.cmd('term doc '..opts.fargs[1])
    end, {  nargs = 1, desc = ''})

with this setup you could for example add
vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-h>', ':Doc neovim-mappings<CR>', {silent = true, desc = "show neovim mappings"})
to open a specific doc documentation via keybind


  • -d doesnt find program_start in bovengine
  • highlights return in 'returns: ' in opengl.sheet glGetError
  • GetModuleFileName in main.c only works on windows


  • update readme, example section, screenshots, etc.
  • search structure/enum definitions in specified dir
  • search function / structure references
  • incomplete search, i.e. func_ -> func_a, func_b, ...
  • load keys for style.c from file, for custamization
  • c-syntax in macros, for numbers, strings, etc.
  • make sure all sheets use '-' as space in tags
  • replace file_io.c/.h with the one in bovengine
  • make github release
  • have $g_$ for green and underscore
  • convert into some style format and then print that rather than directly print
    • i.e. use numbers not useb by ascii for styling
    • could then use in non terminal applications
  • online documentation
    • use curl or something
    • have 'offline' defenition in sheet file but use linked documentation if online
    • use links or have git repo with .sheet files that are specified in config.doc ?
  • add $text$ ... $$ that just outputs raw text, no escaping or highlighting
    • have to change search for that
  • set background color
  • add nerdfont/devicon support -> $icon:'✖':x$
  • make tabs be two spaces
  • convert image to terminal output ?
  • make string values in config.doc be abled to have "..." or '...'
  • add [print] or print() to config.doc
  • add $file:path/to/file.txt$ to print out contents of file
  • add $sheet:tag$ to print contents of sheet
  • more documentation
    • c keywords i dont have yet
      • c11/c23 stuff ?
        • constexpr
        • alignas
        • alignof
        • nullptr
        • etc.
    • <stdint.h>
    • make
    • cmake
    • stb
      • stb_image
      • stb_truetype
    • opengl
      • every func in debug_opengl.h WIP
      • macros in glad.h ( GL_TEXTURE0, etc.)
    • glfw
      • everything in window.c
      • everything in input.c
    • vim cheatsheet
    • my stuff ?
      • serialization
      • text
      • math
      • bovengine
        • at least commonly reused stuff file_io etc.