THIS PROJECT IS NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION USE. It has undergone a modest amount of testing and code review. It is published to collect community feedback and attract others to make it production-ready.
Enables grains to be indexed and queried by scalar properties. A research paper describing the interface and implementation can be found here.
- Index all grains of a class
- Fault-tolerant multi-step workflow for index update
- Store an index as a single grain
- Partition an index with a bucket for each key value
- Index only the activated grains of a class
- Physically parititon an index over activated grains, so grains and their index are on the same silo
- Allow index to have very large buckets, to handle highly-skewed distribution of values
See src/OrleansIndexing and test/Tester/IndexingTests
In this example usage, we assume that we are indexing the location of players in a game and we want to query the players based on their location. First, we describe the steps for defining an index on a grain. Then, we explain the steps for using an index in the queries.
All the indexable properties of a grain should be defined in a properties class. The type of index is declared by adding annotations on the indexed property. Currently, three index annotations are available: ActiveIndex, TotalIndex, and StorageManagedIndex. In this example, PlayerProperties contains the only indexed property of a player, which is its location. We want to index the location of all the players that are currently active.
public class PlayerProperties
string Location { get; set; }
The grain interface for the player should implement the IIndexableGrain<PlayerProperties>
interface. This is a marker interface that declares the IPlayerGrain as an indexed grain interface where its indexed properties are defined in the PlayerProperties class.
public interface IPlayerGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey, IIndexableGrain<PlayerProperties>
Task<string> GetLocation();
Task SetLocation(string location);
The grain implementation for the player should extend the IndexableGrain class.
public class PlayerGrain : IndexableGrain<PlayerProperties>, IPlayerGrain
public string Location { get { return State.Location; } }
public Task<string> GetLocation()
return Task.FromResult(Location);
public async Task SetLocation(string location)
State.Location = location;
// the call to base.WriteStateAsync() determines
// when the changes to the grain are applied to its
// corresponding indexes.
await base.WriteStateAsync();
The code below queries all the players based on their locations and prints the information related to all the player grains that are located in Zurich.
var q = from player in GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetActiveGrains<IPlayerGrain, PlayerProperties>()
where player.Location == "Zurich"
select player;
q.ObserveResults(new QueryResultStreamObserver<IPlayerGrain>(async entry =>
output.WriteLine("primary key = {0}, location = {1}", entry.GetPrimaryKeyLong(), await entry.GetLocation());
For more examples, please have a look at test/Tester/IndexingTests.
- Range indexes
- Replace workflows by transactions
- Replace inheritance by dependency injection (like for transactions)
- This project is licensed under the MIT license.