Elastalert includes (as of 8/2017) support for comparing the results of a period against the previous period ("spike") and summing the values of a metric ("metric aggregation") but not doing both at the same time - handy for rules of the type "alert when the average value of inbound bytes per second has increased 3x over the previous hour."
name: "Disk IO Spike"
type: "elastalert_spike_aggregation.SpikeAggregationRule"
index: metricbeat-*
spike_height: 7
spike_type: up
# The size of the window used to determine average event frequency
# We use two sliding windows each of size timeframe
# To measure the 'reference' rate and the current rate
hours: 30m
metric_agg_key: diskio.read.bytes
metric_agg_type: avg
query_key: beat.hostname
doc_type: metricsets
- term:
metricset.name: diskio
- debug