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(Like Trello, but not)

This is an example application to demonstrate some of the APIs available under the Jakarta EE Umbrella.

High Level Overview


To build and test the applications:

mvn clean install


To run the applications:

Card System

This is the main system that host the Jello board. You can start the application using maven running under Wildfly, Payara or OpenLiberty:


cd jello-cards/
mvn clean install -Pwildfly


cd jello-cards/
mvn clean install -Popenliberty


cd jello-cards/
mvn clean install -Ppayara

This will download (first time only), install and start a Wildfly application server and deploy the app.

You can see the Web GUI here: http://localhost:8080/cards

(Log in with any email, as long as the password is also that email)

Log in screen


Audit System

The audit system receive change notifications from the Queue and then store it in cache. It also has a Websocket GUI to display the audit messages in real-time on the Screen. You can start the application using maven running under Wildfly, Payara or OpenLiberty:


cd jello-audit/
mvn clean install -Pwildfly


cd jello-audit/
mvn clean install -Popenliberty


cd jello-audit/
mvn clean install -Ppayara

You can see the Web GUI here: http://localhost:8080/audit/app

(Click on connect to start receiving messages)


Deploy the docker image to Openshift, add ENV JAVA_OPTS:-Djboss.bind.address=


Once both systems is running, create new cards using the GUI in the card system, and see the log entries in the audit system.

TODO: Add some scenarios

REST Examples

(You can get the key from the Dashboard)

export JELLOKEY=<insert_key_here>

Get all cards: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i -H "jello.api.key:$JELLOKEY" http://localhost:8080/cards/api/card

Create a card: curl -d '{"title": "Jax-rs","description": "Created from REST"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i -H "jello.api.key:$JELLOKEY" http://localhost:8080/cards/api/card

Update a card: curl -d '{"id": 1,"title": "Jax-rs","description": "Created from REST but updated","comments": [],"created": "2019-08-26T14:01","createdBy": "","swimlane": "development"}' -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i -H "jello.api.key:$JELLOKEY" http://localhost:8080/cards/api/card

Get a card: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i -H "jello.api.key:$JELLOKEY" http://localhost:8080/cards/api/card/1

Delete a card: curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i -H "jello.api.key:$JELLOKEY" http://localhost:8080/cards/api/card/1


If anyone is looking for a talk to give at your local meetups or conferences you are welcome to use all or parts of this demo and presentation. You can make it your own or use it as is. You are also welcome to improve the talk and demo and contribute back.

Known presentations


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