iwebd is a monolitic suite of instant web daemons for sharing files. It began as a Python program, iwebd.py, and grew to supporting a variety of protocols, most of which I only added to get familiar with them.
This is a more practically oriented rewrite. It focuses entirely on up- and download of files, only contains the relevant core protocols, http(s), ftp, webdav(s) and upnp/dlna, and a web frontend to allow working on sets of files a bit better than http would allow otherwise.
The advantage of this reimplementation is that it can handle load and has code closer to production-ready. This of course is because Go ships with a huge, high quality standard library, and because there's open source implementations of protocols available of similar high quality as libraries that can be included in programs.
- dlna functionality is provided by anacrolix/dms (BSD 3),
- ftp functionality is provided by goftp by yob et al. (MIT),
- icons are taken from the Yaru theme from Ubuntu (CC BY-SA 4.0),
- and this entire project benefits a lot from the huge stdlib Go brings.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
A full copy of the license is available in LICENSE.