- I am a Software Polygot | Music Lover & Maker | and avid 30+ year Gig goer.
- I live on a small island in the North Atlantic Ocean called Great Britain.
- On the internet, I'm known as The Software Wizard.
- A few of my recent projects are The Tools Foundry (2024) | TextZformatter (2022) | zubbit.io (2016) | TCFEmailMiner (2014)
- I also like writing classic game clones. Here are a few: Atari Asteroids (1979) | Spacewar (1962) | Atari Pong (1972) | Hamurabi (1978)
- Quirky stuff too like: Ripple (2023) - Live Reddit comment steam (2023) | Word Grid Game (2023) - work in progress!)
Programming wise I started back in 1981 as a teenager in the early days of Home & Personal Computing using BASIC, and from there progressed to COBOL and using many variations of that. From there I became a Java Developer, and then moved into .NET using C#, VB.NET, classic ASP etc, I then moved into mobile development coding with Android and Apple Objective-C. Also worked with PHP using Laravel, Symfony, and Zend, and have used Python, Golang, and lots of JavaScript frameworks. I've basically done a bunch of stuff π
I've been Programming for over 40 years now and have worked for some great Tech Companies as well as building micro-businesses which have generated over $2.5 million in sales.
I've worked in many sectors over the years for people such as: NHS, Department of Health, Pen Test Partners, Ryder Plc, Ministry of Defence, Wincanton, Marks and Spencer's (UK & China), Orange, Waitrose, Karstadt (Germany/Europe), Bass Pro Stores (USA), DSG International (Dixons, The Link), 3663, Unipart, Budgens, BWG Spa, Event Support Team Ltd, IAW Resources.
Outside of programming I'm a massive πΈ music fan and have been hitting the live gig scene for over 30 years, seeing anything from Andy Williams to Napalm Death on the other end of the scale. I like a lot of different genres of music for sure!
I'm not a natural musician myself but like playing with Albelton and hope that something nice sounding will come out of it one day that's worth loading up to Soundcloud.
On my Github you will find lots of fun stuff. I do collect lots of old legacy code, especially vintage gaming software, and I'm also writing some games, both recreating some classic old-school games but also planning to write some new games. So check out my repos! All a bit of a work in progress so do ping me if you have any questions.